Medical equipment and devices

Medical facilities like pharmacy, ambulance and clinical workplaces need to arrange the functional equipment. Not here miss medical furniture, microscopes, laboratory technician, dispensary of medicines, inquiry of the chair, instruments and other necessary components.

CMT CZ s.r.o. - zakázková kovovýroba

CMT CZ s.r.o. produces hospital and nursing aids such as motorized positioning beds for seniors, electric positioning beds, medical beds, bed frames and mattresses. We produce medical beds for homes, pensions, hospitals, but also for home care. Medical beds and bed frames including mattress. Our company also provides rental and rental of adjustable beds. Short-term and long-term lending of…


Company APPLEDENTAL CZ s.r.o. acts as a reliable distributor of dental units and certified products of the new APPLEDENTAL brand. We offer high quality integrated dental units and the necessary accessories. The kits are designed for maximum convenience for both the physician and the patient with rich equipment. We also provide professional service for all delivered dental equipment. Import,…