Consulting, service, calibration: - pressure gauges, thermostats, resistance temperature transmitters, - spare parts and repairs of mechanical speedometers and Hasler transmitters and Metro
Consulting, service, calibration: - pressure gauges, thermostats, resistance temperature transmitters, - spare parts and repairs of mechanical speedometers and Hasler transmitters and Metro
Prometheus, energetické služby, a.s., a member of Pražská plynárenská, a.s., provides services in the energy sector. We offer the sale of thermal energy as a comprehensive first-class service. We ensure trouble-free operation of the operated heat energy source of the gas boiler room or transfer station. Our services include, but are not limited to, operation, operation, service and repair,…
Production and sale of analytical instruments, thermometers, data loggers and monitoring systems.
Verification of greenhouse gas emissions.
The MEDET company has been operating on the Czech and foreign markets since 1992 and is currently one of the key companies in the supply of all types of hardness plates. The basis is the production and sale of Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers hardness plates and Knoop for reliable checks of all types of industrial and laboratory hardness testers.
Sales and production: - measuring and regulation technology - manometers - thermometers - regulators - thermostats - fittings for this technique - gas meters for secondary measurement.
Development and production - electronic devices, patrol and attendance systems, data loggers - autonomous modular station for measuring soil moisture and temperature
Crafts, services, assembly, revision - electrical engineer work - strong current, weak current - installation of lightning rods - measurement, regulation
Development, production - sensors - instrument technology Sales, service, repairs - measuring and regulation technology - laboratory analyzers - laboratory equipment - filtration for water treatment - aeration systems - industrial cooling systems - thermostats, evaporators - accurate and analytical scales - dryers, incubators Production: Technology Park Hořátev Horatev 104 289…
Wholesale, retail, sale: -technology for the food industry -packaging machines -combination scales
Sales, e-shop: - necessities for pilots - flight instruments - maps - navigation aids - clothes
Velkoobchod, maloobchod, prodej, : -tepelná čerpadla -solární panely -solární elektrárny -klimabojlery -elektronické zámky -měření a regulace -řídící systémy pro správu budov -parkovací systémy -kamerové systémy -výtahy a eskalátory
Electrical work Production - switchboards Delivery - measuring and control technology
Sale: - temperature controllers - heaters - quick couplings - non-return valves - thermocouples
Elektroinstalační práce Měření a regulace Dodávka - zdravotechnika Dodávka - zdravotechnika Projekce - vzduchotechnika
Development and production of electronics for radioactive radiation. Delivery - laboratory technology Development and production - laboratory technology - also to order.
Sale - metal detectors MINELAB, DeepTech, Garrett, Nautilus, Coiltek and other brands
Production of products: - mass spectrometers MS with quadrupole analyzers, with ion trap, triple quadrupoles, sector MS and FTMS with ICR whole
Sales and service - analyzers - measurement and regulation of authorized emissions measurement Service - gas burners Sale - gas burners
Výstavba - pergoly Výroba - přesná optická mechanika
Asociace rozúčtovatelů nákladů na teplo a vodu se zaměřuje na instalaci a provoz měřicí techniky a rozúčtování nákladů na vytápění.
Sale - speed indicator radars Sale - camera systems Sale - economical LED public lighting Sale - sound and radio equipment - speech systems - warning systems with connection to JSVV - wireless and wired radio
Production of measuring and regulation equipment.