Measuring and control equipment

The industry can not do without the gauges and control techniques for precise and unambiguous measurement. Between this technique include pressure gauges, laboratory and inspection measuring instruments, hlukoměry, revolution counters, thermometers and temperature sensor and technique for measuring the conductivity.


Tenzovahy, Ltd. Olomouc - weighing in transport and industry. We have been producing a wide range of scales and measuring instruments since 1991: -road scales -scales for weighing during the drive -stations for equitable toll fixing -weigh bridges -mobile balances for police and for road network managers -scales for customs houses - border crossings -scales for taxed motorways …


ProTec Mohelnice, Ltd. Supply of PROTEC tools and STABILA gauges for building industry. Production and sale of tools of trademark PROTEC: -steel and rustless smoothers -spongy, felt, plastic foam -steel and rustless trowels Exclusive representation of company STABILA for the Czech Republic: -builder's levels -tape measures -push-pull rules and folding rules including advertising…

GDF spol. s r. o.

Supply of technological control systems for the water industry: - consulting and design activities -manufacturing switchboards -microcomputer control applications systems - creation of software for control systems and dispatching workplaces - delivery of measuring probes - installation of transmission systems - warranty and post-warranty service. We offer the above…

XiNTECO s.r.o.

Sales, projection, design, implementation, maintenance, service, repair: - automation for industrial and non-industrial sectors: -measuring, regulation technology -instrumentation -control systems - visualization -Information Technology. Analytical and project work.

ELEDO s.r.o.

Výroba: -elektronické moduly pro vyhodnocování hladin pro tlakové kanalizace -ovládací automatika pro přečerpávací stanice. Dodávka a montáže: -snímače splaškových hladin -ovládací automatika pro tlakové kanalizace -snímače zaplavení sklepů, bazénů -elektroinstalace venkovních bazénů.

FORTE a.s.

FORTE a.s. provides its clients with a wide range of services. Our portfolio of activities includes calibration and repairs of gauges and measuring systems in the field of DC, AC and high-frequency electrical quantities, maintenance of aircraft components, repairs of military equipment and also the production and repair of superstructures for commercial vehicles. The seat of the company is…