Measuring and control equipment

The industry can not do without the gauges and control techniques for precise and unambiguous measurement. Between this technique include pressure gauges, laboratory and inspection measuring instruments, hlukoměry, revolution counters, thermometers and temperature sensor and technique for measuring the conductivity.

Pavel Dvořák

Autodoprava: -automobil VW** TRANSPORTÉR -náklad do 1t**, 1000 Kg -přeprava nákladu nebo osmi osob. Velkoobchodní, maloobchodní prodej, přímý dovozce firmy TOPCAR: -nářadí, klíče, vrtáky, brusivo -chemické prostředky -přísady do nafty, benzínu, olejů, chladičů -pro dílny, servisy a závody -čistící prostředky, vosky na ošetření podvozků, dutin a veškerých částí …

K.T.S. - MONTÁŽE, s.r.o.

Company K.T.S. - ASSEMBLY, s.r.o. I offer my customers a wide range of services. We specialize in excavation work for utilities and for the foundation of buildings, construction and repair of gas distribution equipment, installation of internal sewerage, internal distribution of water and equipment, supply and installation of heat meters and other activities. You can find us at Brněnská 3,…


Sales, design, delivery and assembly: - heat - electricity - regulation - measurement -central heating, gas boilers: - gas boilers PROTHERM, NEFIT, BUDERUS VIESSMANN - regulation LANDIS & GYR*, ETA*, JOHNSON CONTROLS, CENVAX, AUTRON - measurement of heat consumption SCHLUMBERGER, TECHEM, ETA*, PREMA, GLORIUS -cogeneration units - heat production a electrical energy -solar heating, heat…

MIP, spol.s r.o.

Management systems of industrial processes Information and management system of coal quality Information and management system of bulk products landfill Internet and intranet presentations Automatic samplers Cabs of small tractors and steel structures Sulfur meter MATREX Laboratory mills.

EJM Hovorany s.r.o.

Turnkey deliveries, installation, assembly, repair, service, revision: - electrical equipment and devices -residential and industrial wiring -residential, industrial electrical installations -electric heating, direct heating, floor, storage -measurement and regulation (MaR) -installation and maintenance of lightning rods -initial and regular electrical revisions up to 1000V …

I.P.O.M. Neuman Jiří

Prodej,servis,montáž: -voda -topení -plyn -elektroinstalační materiál -plynové spotřebiče Mora,Dakon,Karma, Protherm -náhradní díly plynových spotřebičů. Montáž: -ústřední vytápění -solární topné systémy. Prodej,montáž: -regulační systémy topení.

BYTTHERM, spol. s r.o.

We are a major Czech company that has been providing comprehensive services in the field of billing for heating, domestic hot and cold water, regulation and measurement for over 20 years. The services provided are delivered as a complete set. - allocation of costs for heating domestic hot water, cold water, or other costs of the building for individual users of apartments. - measurement…

TestProg s.r.o.

Měření a regulace Firma TESTPROG Vám nabízí komplexní poradenství a aplikaci všech regulačních opatření vedoucích ke snížení spotřeby energie. Změříme Vám spotřebu energie. Zjistíme, čím nejlépe zregulovat její spotřebu. Naše společnost se zabývá realizací energetických služeb od roku 1996. Po celou dobu trvání smlouvy na regulaci spotřeby energie nese dle smlouvy veškerá rizika naše…

TONAVA, a.s.

Do you need any weight? You can really find all kinds of scales here. We are the only Czech manufacturer of scale components! TONAVA akciová společnost is the successor of the company founded in 1894. The main field of activity is the production of scales and weighing equipment, development and construction of new products. Since 1993, it has expanded its offer to include cooperative sheet…