Miroslav Očadlík
Sales, repair, service - warranty and post-warranty: - domestic and industrial sewing machines. Grinding overlock knives. Sale of spare parts.
Sales, repair, service - warranty and post-warranty: - domestic and industrial sewing machines. Grinding overlock knives. Sale of spare parts.
Business-technical and engineering-supply services in the field of industrial automation, industrial and special PC systems, high-current electrical engineering and single-purpose machines. Areas: - engineering and supply activities, - production and service of special computer technology for industrial use, - wholesale of components for industrial computers, - communication and control…
Oprava, servis: - šicí stroje. Broušení, brusičské práce: - nože, nůžky - řetězové, motorové pily.
Prodej, maloobchod, oprava, servis: - jízdní kola - šicí stroje.
Nákup, prodej: -tiskařské, polygrafické stroje a zařízení: -nové, použité, repasované.
Vývoj, výzkum, realizace: -technologie a zařízení pro nakládání s biologicky rozložitelnými odpady-BRO Zpracování BRO. Údržba zeleně, výkopové a terénní práce, elektroinstalace, el.přípojky. Prodej, oprava, servis: -kompostovací stroje
Production, assembly: - equipment for large breweries - chemical equipment - food equipment - devices without pressure limitation. Metals - division: - Waterjet Cutting - burning, by burning - plasma, by plasma. Work with stainless steel materials and specials.
Assembly, repair, service: - tachographs - independent heating - car air conditioning. Production and sale: - tractor trailers.
Sale: - equipment of rolling mills - dividing and straightening lines - forming machines and machines for processing metal waste - metallurgy - flat steel products, castings, forgings - steel scrap.
Dodávka, velkoobchod, prodej, výroba: -náhradní díly pro důlní stroje -důlní stroje-také oprava, servis. -náhradní díly pro drtiče, třídiče aj. stroje kamenolomů, štěrkoven, pískoven.. -slévárenské modely-od výkresů, přes technologický postup až ke konečnému zpracování -vrtací korunky -díly k vrtacím kladivům
Prodej, e-shop, servis, oprava: - šicí stroje domácí i průmyslové.
Dovoz: - důlní strojní zařízení, těžební stroje.
STAMPA Ostrava Ltd., located in Ostrava, the Czech Republic, member of the European Union, is a company that carries out complete deliveries of steel structures, industrial factory equipment and machine parts to be used in industry and building constructions. A professional team of workers, able to respond to the challenges of the modern age, enables the STAMPA Ostrava Ltd. company to implement…
Sales, retail, service, repairs: - furniture fittings - Tools - woodworking machines - electric and pneumatic tools. Grinding, repairs and modifications of woodworking tools. In cooperation, we provide grinding of tools for NC metal machining and the entire assortment of PKD tools.
Výroba: - nádstavbové produkty TnG. Dodávka, montáž: - tepelná čerpadla - fotovoltaické panely, články, elektrárny (solární).
Sales, retail, wholesale: - welding machines, welding technology - plasma cutting machines - CNC plasma cutting machines - industrial adhesives and sealants, gaskets, silicones - lubricants - plastic metals. E-shop.
Metal production, locksmithing, locksmith machine production: - steel constructions - industrial equipment (loaders, reservoirs, tanks, stairs, platforms, railings) - medium and larger repairs: - lines, machine tools. Electrical assembly work, electrical maintenance: - rewind-motors - electrical installation, electrician trade - high-current electrical engineering-HV.
Our car service repairs all vehicles 24 hours a day! Car service, car repair: NONSTOP 24 hours - passenger and delivery vehicles - Agriculture machinery - forestry technology - communal technology - construction technology - sale of spare parts. General repairs: - engines - engine heads of all types - turbochargers of all types. Repairs: - chassis, bodywork -…
Production of air-conditioning equipment (including atypical shaped parts, stainless steel hoods, filters), design and implementation activities in the field of construction of air-conditioning and air-conditioning equipment, construction of energy equipment (industrial furnaces, industrial hot air systems)
Ekosys, s.r.o. specializes in the design, design, manufacture and sale of special filtration equipment. We also provide spare parts for the engineering industry, pneumatic and hydraulic equipment. Hydraulics is one of the important elements of engineering equipment and therefore we strive to be of the best quality and meet all your requirements. You can rely on us not only in the realization…
Production, construction, supply, service, repair: - equipment for production, transport and storage of concrete - concrete mixing plants - horizontal ones, mobile ones - aggregates bunkers - belt conveyors / belt conveyers - elevators - cement silos and accessories - screw conveyors - control systems - recycling facilities for processing of residual concretes - drum ones, worm…
Prodej: - štěpkovače - drtiče - fréz zn. BANDIT Industries. Štěpkování dřeva. Frézovaní pařezů. Drcení: - dřevní hmoty - dřevěné železniční pražce. Výroba: - biopiliny (do velikosti frakce 6 mm a to v 96 % z dřevní kulatiny.
Průmyslová automatizace - servomotory pro průmyslové sběrnice profibus, canopen, ethernet, RS485, RS232, USB. Snadno rozšiřitelné řidicí systémy PLC Cybro, MES systémy pro sledování, řízení a plánování výroby, sledování efektivity výroby, OEE. Inteligentní budovy IQ HOME.
Pobočka. Výroba, montáž: - hydraulické agregáty.