Machines for car repair shops

In garages and tire service centre most often you will find hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, such as presses for pressing bearings, compressors or spray guns. However, he also works with balancer devices, lifters or with a different diagnostic device.

MEKA ITALY, v.o.s.

Sales representation, sales: - LASAV (chemical and technical needs for car paint shops) - FRESCURA (car cosmetics) - NEITHER. (Spray Guns) - paper adhesive tapes and hose clamps with Gemi screw thread. Working hours: Monday 7:00 - 11:30 12:30 - 15:00 Tuesday 7:00 - 11:30 12:30 - 15:00 Wednesday 7:00 - 11:30 12:30 - 15:00 Thursday 7:00 - 11:30 12:30 - 15:00 Friday 7:00 - 12:00

GATEc s.r.o.

Zastoupení firmy Siems & Klein, s.r.o. Prodej a servis garážové techniky pro autoservisy a stanice technické kontroly: -vybavení pneuservisu HOFMANN MEGAPLAN a BEISSBARTH -vyvažovačky kol HOFMANN MEGAPLAN a BEISSBARTH -zouvačky kol HOFMANN MEGAPLAN a BEISSBARTH -analyzátory pro emisní kontroly SUN a MAHA -kouřoměry a testery pro diesel motory MAHA -měřiče spotřeby FLOWTRONIC …

J.S. Trading CZ, a.s.

Dovoz,distribuce a servis techniky a technologie pro autoopravárenství a prodej jednotek a agregátů pro klimatizace,vytápění,chlazení a výměnu vzduchu v obytných skladových a společenských objektech veškerých kapacit. Garážová technika: -vybavení pneuservisu,klempírny,lakovny -zvedáky,dílenské lisy -zařízení pro měření geometrie -válcové zkušebny brzd,regloskopy …

BOSAL ČR spol. s r.o.

Development, production, delivery - Exhaust systems for managers car manufacturers worldwide - towing equipment extensive range towing devices, both fixed and with removable hook - longitudinal and transverse roof racks roof racks for automobiles manufacturers for the automotive market as well accessories - storage shelving systems in the original specially designed…

MOTERS.CZ s.r.o.

Fima MOTERS.CZ s.r.o. provides retail sales mainly in the field of compressed air conditioning: - compressors - drying - filtration - condensate drainage and treatment - pneumatic tools. We also carry out the installation of warranty and post-warranty service for the following products and equipment: - screw and piston compressors - compressed air distribution - compressed air…

MAHA Consulting, s.r.o.

The company MAHA Consulting s.r.o., operating in the Czech Republic since 1994, offers its customers top equipment for diagnostics of the engine, chassis and its parts, lifting equipment and other technological equipment for the production and service of road and rail vehicles. Products: - brake test benches - shock absorber and chassis testing laboratories - cylindrical power and…

MAHA Consulting s.r.o.

Společnost MAHA Consulting s.r.o., působící v České republice od roku 1994, nabízí svým zákazníkům špičková zařízení pro diagnostiku motoru, podvozku a jeho částí, zvedací techniku a jiná technologická zařízení pro vybavení servisů. Produkty: - zkušebny brzd - zkušebny tlumičů a podvozku - válcové výkonové zkušebny - zvedáky - měření geometrie - rovnání rámů - servisní přístroje -…

N.E.T. Praha, spol. s r.o.

Sale of technology, equipment and equipment for car repair shops and tire repair shops. - technological kit for repairing damaged car glasses GRD-system, technology for removing smudges and scratches on glasses, polishing front headlights, technological kits and testers for detecting and repairing engines, EGR valves, turbo circuits, electrical systems of motor vehicles, all equipment for…