Zdeněk Kerda
Revize - zdvihací zařízení Revize - ohřívače vody Kompresory - provozní a vnitřní revize - zkoušky těsnosti - tlakové zkoušky Školení - obsluhovatelé tlakových nádob - jeřábníci, vazači - topiči - kotle
Revize - zdvihací zařízení Revize - ohřívače vody Kompresory - provozní a vnitřní revize - zkoušky těsnosti - tlakové zkoušky Školení - obsluhovatelé tlakových nádob - jeřábníci, vazači - topiči - kotle
Crane work Work with assembly platform Working with a telescopic manipulator Earthworks - mini excavators Containers
Elevators: - delivery, assembly, reconstruction, repairs, revisions, service, modernization.
Revision and inspection of cranes, inspection tests of cranes, revision of work platforms. Revisions and checks of binding means. Training of crane operators and binders and training of work platform operators.
Práce s vysokozdvižnou plošinou Elektroinstalace Zateplování - budovy Sádrokartony - minerální podhledy Celkové rekonstrukce - stavební úpravy - půdní vestavby Bytová jádra
Doprava - nákladní vnitrostátní a mezinárodní Autojeřábnické práce Manipulace s odpady
Montáž a rekonstrukce - výtahy na klíč Zateplení ZELENÁ ÚSPORÁM Zemní práce Pokládka - zámková dlažba Stavby a rekonstrukce - domy Dekorace - fasády - technologie GRAFITO DECOR
Crane work. Lease: - truck cranes.
Rekonstrukce, servis, revize a zkoušky - výtahy
Revize jeřábů Zkušební komisař - obsluha motorových vozíků Revize - tlakové nádoby Zámečnictví
Lease - elevated platforms High-rise painting work Height work Height plumbing work High-rise roofing work
Prodej - nákladní automobily AVIA, IVECO, RENAULT, DAF, MAN Prodej - nákladní automobily AVIA, IVECO, RENAULT, DAF, MAN Pronájem - nákladní automobily AVIA, IVECO, RENAULT, DAF, MAN Dealer - hydraulické jeřáby FASSI Autorizovaný dealer - CTSprodej, montáž, servis - kontejnerové nosiče
Inspecting technician inspection of cranes, hoists training of cranes and binders
Inspecting technician inspection of cranes, hoists training of cranes and binders
The company rents assembly platforms, telescopic manipulators, machines for working at heights, hydraulic arm and special underbridge platforms. We also carry out maintenance of apartment buildings, trim trees and are also able to take care of public lighting. Office: Na Sezník 309/4, Olomouc - Černovír, 779 00
Lift & cranes s.r.o. rents cranes, platforms and tower cranes. Other services provided by the company are consultancy, service and repair of cranes, mobile hydraulic lifting equipment and implementation of construction activities.
We are inspection technicians. We will provide inspection tests, inspections and revisions of cranes. Organization of training for crane operators - crane operators and riggers. Training in the field of the system of safe work with crane operation. We will provide an inspection of the binding means.
The company Hrůza revision s.r.o. focuses on occupational safety training and inspections of lifting equipment and platforms, power trucks, construction machinery and chainsaws.
Aleš Čajánek focuses on repairs, service and sales of handling equipment, low-lift and high-lift trucks, hoists and spare parts.
The company Green spot, s.r.o. focuses on consulting in the field of health and safety and ecology, revisions of pressure vessels and lifting equipment, metalwork, installation of protective barriers and much more.
Revision and training of handling and lifting equipment: - revisions and MOT - service of working and construction platforms.
AUTOLIFT PRODUCTION s.r.o. focuses on the development and production of column and tipping jacks and other equipment for the automotive industry.
Beskydské lifty s.r.o. focuses on the design, production, service and realization of elevators and casing of shafts.