Checking and safety equipment

Increase safety in your premises will help you security locks, gates and doors, walking, camera, security, catering or other systems, or the cashier or shuttles app. Mechanical and electronic security used absolutely everywhere.

P & K OCHRANA, s.r.o.

Design, delivery, assembly, service, revision: -electronic security systems -electronic fire signalisation -camera systems - entry and attendance systems - sound system of objects (local radio) - branch telephone exchanges - home audio and video phones -structured cabling and low-current distributions - common TV antennas.

Hadač Břetislav - HAKU

Prodej dveří, skříní a trezorů Nabízíme: - dveře interiérové i bezpečnostní. - zámky a závory - bezpečnostní kliky - řetězy - pokladny - trezory a skříně na zbraně - interiérové dveřní obložky - policový systém ELEMENT.

HSF spol.s r.o.

Development: -economical software -software for tracking orders - custom software, including supplies computing and computer technology sewing. Complete user service. ISDN communication: -connecting computer networks -remote access to computer networks - fast internet access - training of the issue.