STR PRAHA s.r.o.
We deal with the construction and production of conveyors.
We deal with the construction and production of conveyors.
Prodej a servis strojů pro pneuservisy včetně kalibrace a dodávek spotřebního materiálu.
Jaroslav Arent's company deals with the transport of material, removal of rubble and waste and the rental of containers in Prague and the surrounding area. Our main activity: - removal of waste, removal of rubble and bulk materials - delivery of the container - rental of containers - transport of municipal waste to landfill - transport of building materials. Our company will…
Sales, rental - beverage, food and vending machines, water stands, sodabars, office vending machines
Klimatizační stropy GIF pro větrání kuchyní a gastronomických provozů. Vzduchotechnika v gastronomii.
Měřící a regulační technika pro ochranu životního prostředí.
We have been producing thermometers since 1869. Since the beginning of this century, pressure gauges and regulating devices. For 30 years, we have been producing measuring, regulating and control devices for environmental protection. In Western Europe, we have been active in the field of groundwater protection and flue gas analysis for many years. For the safe storage of liquids that threaten…
Chladící technika: -montáž, znalecká činnost, opravy a servis, obchodní činnost.
We manufacture and supply plate heat exchangers, heat exchanger stations, compact transfer stations, air coolers, condensers, spiral heat exchangers, tubular heat exchangers, separators, decanter centrifuges and rotary drum thickeners, tank equipment, pumps, valves and membrane filtration.
Prodej, montáž, servis, opravy, pronájem: -nové, použité, obráběcí a tvářecí stroje: -soustruhy, frézky, brusky, vrtačky, vyvrtávačky, závitořezy, pily, ostřičky, automaty, poloautomaty, ohýbačky, obráběcí centra, nůžky -lisy.
Production and assembly: - portals, gates, doors, windows, railings, staircases, company shields, three-dimensional metal signs, showcases, counters, shelves, constructions, as well as production at the customer's request. Elevator cladding and stainless steel and non-ferrous metal work.
WAGNER je výrobce, který ovládá trh s technologicky vysokohodnotnými přístroji a zařízeními pro povrchovou úpravu mokrými laky, práškovými laky a barvami. Našimi zákazníky jsou průmyslové podniky, řemeslníci i domácí kutilové. Abychom své zákazníky co nejvíce uspokojili, klademe hlavní důraz na inovativní marketing, perspektivní techniku a prvotřídní kvalitu. Jinými slovy: stále nejnovější…
Production of measuring, control, testing, navigation and other devices and equipment, except equipment for controlling industrial processes.
The company TRANSTECHNIK CS, spol. s r.o. is engaged in the sale and service of special and handling equipment. We also supply and service WM ice technics. You can buy agricultural and garden equipment, trenchers, excavators, chippers, compost scrapers, recycling crushers and mobile crushing and sorting systems for recycling asphalt, concrete, demolition debris and other raw materials. You can…
Výroba dílů pro nábytkářské firmy i průmysl. Výrobky v sériích pro odběratele na základě jejich vlastního designu. Povrchová úprava kovů a dřeva..
Comesa, spol. s.r.o. - importer - medical equipment, instruments and devices for healthcare from all over the world, laboratory equipment. Separate deliveries, service, for fields of study: 1.) Interventional cardiology, radiology - TAA & PTCA balloons, diagnostic catheters, guiding catheters - Cardiological and peripheral stents, guide wires, balloon catheters - INOUE-PTMC Balloon …
Control, measurement and regulation technology. PLC - Programmable logic machines.
Production of plastic packaging. Place of business: Preperé no. 227, zip code 512 61, phone: 481321192, e-mail: [email protected]
Delivery and installation of pipelines (steel, stainless steel, plastics, transmission lines) incl. technological equipment and steel structures from piece deliveries to final deliveries.
Supply of air conditioning, industrial refrigeration and air conditioning. Inspections and revisions of fire dampers.
The activity of the ALLA salon is the creation of a rich assortment of models from real hair, the sale of wigs and hairpieces from artificial hair, hair extensions.
Offer ion exchangers (Amberlite, Amberjet, Duolite, Ambersep, Imac) from Rohm and Haas. Comprehensive services in the field of ion exchange supplies. We also supply BIRM, GreenSand Plus, MTM, Pyrolox and activated carbon filter cartridges.
Construction activity: - construction of civil, residential and industrial buildings - implementation of supporting and foundation structures - realization of rough upper and rough lower structures - reconstruction, rehabilitation and modernization of buildings - roof structures - prefabricated steel concrete buildings - supporting and rehabilitation walls - agricultural and…
Development, production and sale of motion and presence sensors, lighting control systems, BUS applications (DALI, KNX). Intelligent building control and automation systems.