Ulčík Zdeněk Mgr. - SEPEK-servis pekáren
Servis, opravy: - pekařské stroje.
Servis, opravy: - pekařské stroje.
MPM Miler Prodej: - pojezdová kola - manipulační technika. Servis: - vysokozdvižné a nízkozdvižné vozíky Zakázková výroba: - regály, čtyřkolové vozíky, rudle atd. Výkup: - použité paletové vozíky. Prodej: - repasované paletové vozíky.
Distribution, service, installation of pumping and irrigation equipment: - pumps SIGMA a.s., EBARA, WILO, GRUNDFOS, KSB, SLOVPUMP Fault - JUNGPUMP irrigation technology.
Delivery and sale of a complete range of Jablotron s.r.o. products: - Nanny baby monitor - electronic security systems EZS objects - electronic vehicle security - camera systems - system designs
Hegr - Automatic systems and constructions Production, assembly, service, wholesale, retail: - garage and industrial doors - sectional, rolling, swing doors - entrance gates - automatic drives - Barriers - sales of components for sliding and swing gates, plastic panels - custom metal production - smart home
Wald & Garten s.r.o. (Šindelka) deals with the sale and service of garden equipment. Here you will find Stihl and Stiga garden equipment, garden mowers, brush cutters, tractors, chainsaws, trimmers and cordless tools. We also sell tools from Fiskars, Eliet, Viking and Solo. We sell garden and forest equipment of quality brands designed for both private and professional purposes. We provide…
Prodej, dodávka, montáž, projekce: - podlahové vytápění - tepelná čerpadla - solární systémy - fotovoltaika.
The company DOOS, spol.s r.o. was established in 1992 and is a specialist in the field of pumps. We deal with sales, repair, service and consultancy in the field of pumps and spare parts. Production, sale, retail, repair, service: - pumps, pumping technology - spare parts for pumps - cell pumps - dairy pumps - submersible sludge pumps - manual vane pumps - spiral pumps -…
Construction of machines - conveyors. Metalworking, locksmithing, turning, milling, grinding.
Revize, oprava, montáž menších zdvihacích zařízení: -elektrické kladkostroje (lanové, řetězové) -dílenské jeřáby. -elektrické vrátky. -výtahy jídelní. -elektrická spouštědla. -ruční zvedáky, kladkostroje BRANO. Služby: -poradenská, projekční činnost zdvihacích zařízení. -repase elektrických kladkostrojů BALKANCAR.
Comprehensive services in the field of occupational safety and fire protection. I create documentation for OSH PO, manage corporate risks, check jobs prohibited for minors and women. Development of an evacuation plan. I provide training in occupational health and fire protection. I am training a driver.
Development, production, assembly: - flexible steel bridge structures - steel pipes - plastic ovens. Sale: - geosynthetics
Výrobní program: -ocelové konstrukce -zásobníky a násypky -dopravníkové pásy -odjílovače -obrábění a dělení materiálu. Údržba a servis: -kamenolomy -štěrkopískovny -betonárky.
Maloobchod, velkoobchod: - ochranné pracovní pomůcky - brusivo - ruční nářadí - ruční elektrické nářadí - nástroje na obrábění - svařovací potřeby - obalové materiály.
MAPTECH s.r.o. based in the Olomouc district, has been engaged in the production of machine technologies for manufacturers of concrete goods, the production of steel structures and metalworking work for more than 20 years. We offer our customers molding technology for the production of concrete goods, custom locksmith production, assembly and welding work, as well as construction and design work.…
Production and sale: - plastic self-supporting square and round tanks - atypical plastic products - plastic sumps - reconstruction of wastewater treatment plants - family pools - reconstruction and construction of public swimming pools
Standardní výroba: - vodoměrné šachty - plastové bezodtokové jímky - bazény - kontejnery - jímky pro tlakovou kanalizaci. Zakázková výroba: -vany pro galvanické provozy.
Wholesale, retail and delivery in Olomouc: - machine parts - clamping tools - tools - electric and pneumatic tools - welding technology - hydraulics - fasteners - packaging materials.
Development, design, supply and service of equipment with pumps. Range of activities: -design and supply of pumping and hydraulic systems -water management of industrial enterprises -spray scale.
General, medium and common repairs: - metalworking machines - woodworking machines, including single-purpose machines - domestic and foreign prototypes.
Projekce, dodávka, montáž, oživení a zprovoznění, dispečink, servis, vzdálené ovládání technologií: -automatizační, regulační a tepelná technika. Prodej: -automatizační a regulační technika.
Repairs: - household electrical appliances - rewinding of electric motors. Sale of spare parts. Production of coils for various brakes. Wholesale laundry techniques.
The company works in a certified quality system ISO 9001: 2000 Production: - steel radiators and accessories - rodent traps - game traps and pests - sheet metal processing on CNC machines - sheet metal cutting - forming - welding. Services: - design and installation in the field of gas, water, heating. The possibility of providing replacement benefits for the employment…
Custom furniture production: - kitchen counters - children's rooms - bedroom - office furniture - inbuilt wardrobe.
Kuchyňské a interiérové studio Maloobchod, prodej: -kuchyně -ložnice -kancelářský nábytek. Výroba nábytku na zakázku. Provozovna - studio zdravého spánku: -Uničov, Litovelská 32, tel./fax:585054929; 739576022.