Machinery and equipment for companies

Range of machines and equipment for the company includes a variety of technique. Production machines in the form of CNC technology, packaging and sorting lines, warehouse systems, cranes, conveyors, assembly robots, presses, textile machinery or technology for the food industry.

HZV servis, s.r.o.

Comprehensive solutions in the field of fire security. Sales, installation, service and regular inspections: - complete systems of fixed fire extinguishing systems (SHZ) - extinguishers - water curtains - hydrants including accessories and spare parts. Implementation of preventive fire inspections - compliance with regulations on fire protection.

CH + K - Topservis, s.r.o.

Společnost CH + K - Topservis, s.r.o. se věnuje oboru vodo, topo, plyn. Provádíme montáže, opravy rozvodů vody, odpadů, plynu a topení, instalujeme tepelná čerpadla, solární kolektory i kotle na biomasu. Mezi naše služby patří také vyřízení kotlíkové dotace. Sídlíme v Komárově, okres Beroun. Služby, zajištění, vyřízení: - kotlíková dotace na nový ekologický kotel nebo tepelné čerpadlo,…

Chlazení Steffek, s.r.o.

It provides comprehensive services in the fields of refrigeration and air conditioning, including related electrical and plumbing work. We carry out all orders on a so-called turnkey basis. We recommend and perform regular service and preventive inspections to the customer. Service including intervention within 24 hours of reporting the fault. We will provide you with complete customer…

Igloo, s.r.o.

E - shop - audio - TV E - shop - domácí spotřebiče E-shop - fotopřístroje E-shop - bezdrátové telefony E-shop - domácí spotřebiče - fotopřístroje - audio - TV - bezdrátové telefony