Machinery and equipment

Construction equipment and machinery, production technology, assembly of the equipment or hand tools belongs to the group of machinery and equipment for the industry. Buy this equipment from the best suppliers and manufacturers or feel free to use the sale of used and second-hand techniques.

PD TOOL, spol. s r.o.

Automation of technological processes: - technological lines. Projection, design, delivery, service, consulting: -measurement and regulation systems: - heat sources, including the control room - air conditioning (air conditioning) - wastewater treatment plant -heat sources: -boiler plants, exchange stations: -use of waste heat, bakery Production: -LV switchboards /low…

František Kočica

Oprava, opravy, servis: -stavebních a zemních strojů a jejich příslušenství -kopací stroje (bagry, autobagry, rypadla) kolové i pásové: -hydraulické systémy: -hydraulické válce -hydromotory -hydročerpadla -hydrospojky -hadice -mechanické části: -podkopy, ramena -točny -pojezdové ústrojí -zhutňovače zeminy: -motorové skupiny: -spojky …

STAUFČÍK, s.r.o.

Production, wholesale, sale, service, repairs, distribution, export, import: -small garden agricultural machinery: -universal uniaxial motocultivators -small tractors -accessories: -potato diggers -ridging ploughshares -one-way ploughs and working ploughs -harrow -tillers -combiners -knife weeders -one-drum and two-drum mowers -tedders -snow ploughs …

APLS spol. s r.o.

The company APLS spol s r.o. Zlín specializes in registration-EET cash registers and cash register systems for EET for retail, wholesale, e-shop, restaurants and small businesses. We distribute cash registers from the ELCOM company and the WinApls a7 cash register system in the Czech Republic, mainly in the Zlín Region, South Moravian and Olomouc Region. For restaurant operations from 1…

ECOCLEAN+ spol. s r.o.

Complete delivery, assembly, wholesale, retail, sales, service: - washing and cleaning technology for everyone types of vehicles - washing lines: -passenger and delivery vehicles -trucks and buses - special vehicles - trolleybus, tram - manual high-pressure washing boxes -vacuum cleaners and beaters -biological wastewater treatment plants for washing lines and car repair…

MJC - Zlín spol. s r.o.

Online store for hairdressers and hairdressing salons with hairdressing supplies and professional hair cosmetics. Wholesale, retail, internet sales: - professional hair cosmetics - hairdressing equipment - hair accessories, hair care aids. Services - complete service for beginners and professional hairdressers - Regular supply of hairdressing salons free of charge.

HEVOS, spol. s r.o.

CATERPILLAR spare parts: CAT 426, CAT 428, CAT 432 CAT 301, CAT 302, CAT 303, CAT 304, CAT 305 ... CAT M312, CAT M313, CAT 315, CAT M316, CAT 318 ... VOLVO spare parts: BL 70, BL 71, BL71 / PLUS EW 140, EW 160, EW 180, EW 210, EW 230 Spare parts for YANMAR, CATERPILLAR engines. ZTS spare parts: DH 112, UNC 060, UNC 750, UNC 752, UN 053. UNK 320 Spare parts for hydraulic hammers:…

Milan Pagáč

Půjčovna minibusů. Pronájem: - minibus Ford Transit - klimatizovaný mikrobus pro přepravu 8+1 osob. Zastoupení Generalli pojištovny. Služby: - povinné ručení - zákonné pojištění vozidla - havarijní pojištění vozidel.

VODO - REGULA, s.r.o.

20ti letá tradice. Prodej, ověření, oprava: -bytových, domovních, průmyslových vodoměrů a měřičů tepla -výrobky pro doní hospodářství -navrtávací soupravy na vodovodní přípojky, vodovody. Maloobchod, prodej, výroba, oprava: -výrobky pro vodárenskou techniku: -navrtávače potrubí -kanalizační uzávěry pro zkoušku potrubí -armaturní klíče voda a plyn -automatická vysoušecí…


CASH and CARRY. Distribution, delivery, wholesale: -alcoholic beverages: -beer - cans, bottles, kegs. Representation of PILSNER URQUELL, GAMBRINUS, RADEGAST, VELKOPOVICKÝ KEZEL. Borrowing, renting: - beeps - tap equipment - cooling equipment.