Machinery and equipment

Construction equipment and machinery, production technology, assembly of the equipment or hand tools belongs to the group of machinery and equipment for the industry. Buy this equipment from the best suppliers and manufacturers or feel free to use the sale of used and second-hand techniques.

FIRECLAY, spol. s r.o. - Komplexní průmyslové stavby Litvínov

FIRECLAY is a company that provides comprehensive services in the field of construction activities in the industrial and energy sectors. Our key specialization is the realization of industrial buildings and the supply of technologies. The company is based in LitvA­nov and is known as a professional and reliable supplier of industrial buildings and technologies. The services offered by…

IKEMA BOHEMIA s.r.o. - Vysokotlaká hydraulika

The main content of IKEMA BOHEMIA s.r.o. is a sale and service of high pressure hydraulics. In our wide product portfolio you will find hydraulic cylinders, pumps, hydraulic tools, clamping technology, machines and equipment for repair and testing of fittings, flanges and pipes, wrenches, induction heaters, foot jacks, lubricators and hand tools. We are an authorized dealer of ENERPAC high…

Pro stroje s.r.o.

Společnost Pro stroje s.r.o. se sídlem v Ústí nad Labem je vaším spolehlivým partnerem pro půjčování stavebních strojů a příslušenství v celém Ústeckém kraji. Specializujeme se na pronájem špičkových stavebních strojů, které vám pomohou efektivně a rychle zvládnout jakýkoliv stavební projekt. V našem sortimentu naleznete širokou škálu stavebních strojů, jako například smykem řízené nakladače,…

VUHU a.s.

Research Institute for Brown Coal a.s. Research Institute for Brown Coal a.s. was founded in Most in 1953 as a special - purpose organization of mines in the North Bohemian Brown Coal Basin for solving complex issues of development, especially quarrying of brown coal. As of May 1, 1992, the institute was registered in the Commercial Register as a joint-stock company. The main…

Buchen Ekoservis s.r.o.

The supplier Buchen Ekoservis s.r.o. provides services in the field of industrial cleaning of large industrial buildings with the help of suction dredgers and high-pressure equipment. We can clean air coolers, distillation columns, piping systems, silos, pressure vessels and heat exchangers. We are located at Vrchlického 600, Lom u Mostu. Jobs, services: - industrial cleaning of large…

SPOJMAT - Blanka Bovšková

SPOJMAT - Blanka Bovšková je firma, která se zabývá prodejem širokého sortimentu spojovacího materiálu, nářadí, nástrojů a dalšího zboží pro stavebnictví, průmysl i domácí kutily. Nabízí kvalitní a cenově dostupné produkty od renomovaných dodavatelů, jako jsou šrouby a vruty, šrouby UNC a UNF, nerezový spojovací materiál, kotevní techniku, lana, řetězy a příslušenství, svařovací materiál,…

Klidotop s.r.o.

Společnost Klidotop s.r.o. se zabývá topenářskými a plynařskými pracemi. Mezi její hlavní služby patří: - Dodávka a montáž topení, tepelných čerpadel, klimatizace a regulace vytápění - Montáž a servis plynových kotlů - Fototermické systémy - Dodávka, montáž, servis a zákonné kontroly kotlů na biomasu značky Atmos Společnost Klidotop s.r.o. se vyznačuje kvalitním a profesionálním…

ProPack CZ s.r.o.

Since 2018, the company ProPack CZ s.r.o. has been engaged in the distribution of British scoring channels, chopping, scoring and special knives for die-cutting molds. At the same time, we also offer a complete range of rubbers and knives, plastic components, special tools and accessories. We exclusively sell products from leading manufacturers from Germany, Austria and Great Britain. We…

Autodoprava Trojan

Společnost Autodoprava Trojan je vaším spolehlivým partnerem v oblasti kontejnerové přepravy a jeřábových prací. S mnoha lety zkušeností na trhu poskytujeme širokou škálu služeb, od pronájmu kontejnerů až po komplexní zemní práce. Kontejnerová přeprava a pronájem kontejnerů: Nabízíme pronájem kontejnerů o objemu 10m3 a 15m3, které jsou ideální pro odvoz různých druhů odpadů, včetně suti,…

EkviTech s.r.o. - ekvitermní regulace budov

The company EkviTech s.r.o. provides comprehensive services in the area of equithermal regulation of buildings at a higher level of algorithmization and hydraulic balancing of heating systems, including the supply and installation of thermostatic valves, riser and foot control, implementation of heat exchangers, transfer stations and gas boilers. At the same time, we specialize in water filters,…

Miroslav Zejda - Hydraulické a pneumatické stroje

Our company Miroslav Zejda has 10 years of experience in servicing hydraulic and pneumatic machines, including injection molding machines. We produce hydraulic and pneumatic units or other machines to order. Repairs, service: - hydraulic machines - pneumatic machines - injection molding machines. Sale: - spare parts for the said machines. Custom production: - hydraulic and pneumatic…

SANACE PO s.r.o.

Activity - rehabilitation of buildings after fires and floods - fire protection and health and safety - sales, repairs, inspections of fire extinguishers - deratization, disinfection, disinsection - elimination of accidents. Technical office - address: Tovární 5751, 430 01 Chomutov.

CANNONEER group s.r.o.

CANNONEER group s.r.o. is focused on purchase, processing, treatment and sale of scrap metal. Our other activities include dismantling, demolition of buildings, recycling of rubble, heavy transport and disposal of transformers. You can find our center in Horní Jiřetín. Purchase, purchase, processing, resale:  - scrap metal  - scrap metal, scrap   - iron, aluminum, copper, stainless steel  …

Oprava stavebních strojů a manipulační techniky - Petr Abraham

The company Petr Abraham deals with repairs of construction machinery and handling equipment. We offer the same quality services as authorized services, but at more reasonable prices compared to them, and at the same time we are willing to carry out repairs not only at our premises, but also at the customer's place. Service work: - post-warranty service and repairs of forklifts - repairs of…


The company EWM HIGHTEC WELDING s.r.o. manufactures and supplies welding technology. In our assortment you will find MIG / MAG welding machines, TIG welding machines, plasma welding machines, manual welding machines, welding torches, consumables, welding accessories and other products. You can find us in the village of Jiříkov, Děčín district but also in Benešov near Prague.   Production,…

Sedlacek Trade s.r.o.

Sedlacek Trade s.r.o. is a trading company that operates in the field of sales of used industrial technologies. We specialize in CNC machining and forming machines. (5 axis machining). Plastic injection machines, laser and water jet metal cutting machines, technological units (production lines), stock and others.