Machinery and equipment

Construction equipment and machinery, production technology, assembly of the equipment or hand tools belongs to the group of machinery and equipment for the industry. Buy this equipment from the best suppliers and manufacturers or feel free to use the sale of used and second-hand techniques.

František Holý

Montáž, servis, opravy: -chladírny, mrazírny -chladící vitríny, boxy -výčepní stolice -klimatizace. Servis: -domácí chladící zařízení chladničky, ledničky, mrazničky značek GORENJE, ZANUSSI, ARDO, TOMSON-CALEX, ELEKTROLUX, AEG, PERFEKT, LIEBHERR, ARISTON, INDESIT.

ČIP PLUS spol. s r.o.

Projekce, montáž, prodej, servis, revize: -elektrické zabezpečovací systémy -elektrické požární hlásiče a systémy -připojení na pult centrální ostrahy -domácí telefony, videotelefony, zvonky -silové rozvody NN 220-380V -uzavřené kamerové systémy -průmyslová televize -vstupní kartové systémy -mechanické zabezpečení -bezpečnostní dveře, zámky, závory -bezpečnostní a solární…


Vibration technology: - serial and custom production - free design advice - sales, service, repairs - construction designs vibration technique, attached electric vibrators pneumatic vibrators piston, ball, turbine -high frequency vibrators submersible hydraulic vibrators - special machines for foundry foundry equipment modification of molding compounds -…


Železářství Říha sells a wide range of hardware, we have a store in Příbram and Dobříš. Here you will find a rich selection of goods such as fasteners, tools, household goods, pumps, compressors, locks, fittings, mesh, stoves and much more. We also offer a wide range of electrical goods such as power tools, wiring material, light bulbs, fans and the like. Hardware store, sales: - hardware …

Vzdělávací středisko, s.r.o.

BASIC COURSES AND REQUALIFICATIONS: 1. LIFTING EQUIPMENT: -a authorized person in operation of cranes -crane (bridge cranes, truck cranes, tower cranes) -lifter operator -load binder -shelf stacker operator -service of the work platform -signalist in operation of cranes. 2. MOTOR TROLLEYS: -operator and user of the motor trolley -driver of a motor…

STAVUS, a.s.

Ubytování: -M. Šimků vedoucí ubytoven tel.318492236. Ubytovny: -Příbram 7, č.484, 485 tel.318628436 ubytovna Příbram 7, č.88 Horník tel.318630966. Stravování, jídla jsou vydávána na jídelnách při kuchyních na: -DAS (bývalé garáže UD**, křižovatka u Kauflandu) tel.318624785, možnost pořádání svateb Možnost stravování jednotlivců i firem, jídla jsou v oblasti Příbram i…


Autorizovaný dealer: -automobily MAZDA a MITSUBISHI, HYUNDAI. Prodej, leasing, úvěry: -dovoz vozů z USA s kompletním servisem -nové osobní a užitkové automobily -ojeté automobily -výkup protiúčtem -náhradní díly na všechny evropské a japonské vozy -oleje CASTROL a TOTAL a jiné. Prodej a montáž: -autorádia SONY -bezpečnostní zařízení autoalarmy, mobilizéry, Medvědblok. …

TOMIS CZ, s.r.o.

Wholesale, retail, sale: -protective work equipment (gloves, clothes, footwear) -protective aids (goggles, helmets, hearing protection) -welding technology (electrodes, MIG, TIG welding wires) -autogenic technique -ND for welding in a protective atmosphere MIG, TIG -abrasive TYROLIT, CARBORUNDUM, PROMA -saw blades (sold in meters, or welding to the required free length) -tool …

TESORT spol. s r.o.

Retail trade, wholesale. Machinery: -band saws -block and tackle -generators, welding sets. Suppliers: -DoALL, JAESPA, HADEF, MOSA. Tools: -saw bands DoALL-USA -band pulleys/circular-saw blades/rotary saws. Suppliers: -DoALL. Slings and means of handling: -chain -textile -vacuum -rope -handling clips -handling magnets -slings overhaul -clips repairs and overhaul. Suppliers: …

AQUATHERM PLUS - Karel Dostálek

Velkoobchod, prodej: -průmyslové armatury -topenářský materiál -vodoinstalační materiál -trubky topenářské a pozink, plastové, odpadní, kanalizační, měděné -přírubové armatury -příruby a varná kolena -fitinky kompletní sortiment -drobné armatury (Myjava, Itálie) -oběhová čerpadla GRUNDFOS -bojlery, ohřívače, průtokové ohřívače -kotle na tuhá paliva, LTO, plynové …

PEK - TK s.r.o.

Company PEK - TK s.r.o. is engaged in the sale, installation and service of transport refrigeration, air conditioning and convectors of the world's leading manufacturer THERMO KING. Another of our activities is design and installation in the field of stationary cooling. We are based in Cologne. Delivery, sale, assembly, service:  - transport, transport refrigeration and air conditioning  -…

Ladislav Petrunčík - Hasičá

We offer repairs, service, revisions and sales of fire extinguishers and hydrants. You can also visit the Internet store focused on fire protection of buildings and supplies for fire sports. On the website you can find: - fire detectors - extinguishers - hydrants - power plants - pumps - hose - mammals - vacuum baskets - sets for fire sports and others.

Krajník - Gastro s.r.o.

The company Krajník - Gastro s.r.o. performs design, supply, installation, service of refrigeration and freezing equipment, professional gastronomic equipment, machines for meat production and equipment for fast food establishments. We are located in Kolín on Plynárenská Street. Design, sale, delivery, installation, repair, service: - technology for gastronomy, large kitchens - equipment…

ATI - System s.r.o

- home systems - automation and robotization go hand in hand with construction work, which we also carry out independently We offer: - development and design of single-purpose machines and equipment, production lines and conveyors - preparation for automated and robotic operation - assembly of designed devices and structures - targeting the project towards maintenance-free and high…


- contract seller of CLAAS, VADERSTAD, GRIMME, ANNABURGER, KRAMPE, TECNOMA machines and SHELL oils and lubricants - sale and service of agricultural machinery: - combine harvesters - self-propelled forage harvesters - tractors - presses - forage machines - telescopic handlers - control systems - Agrocom - Rental of machines - Agricultural services -…