Machinery and equipment

Construction equipment and machinery, production technology, assembly of the equipment or hand tools belongs to the group of machinery and equipment for the industry. Buy this equipment from the best suppliers and manufacturers or feel free to use the sale of used and second-hand techniques.

REMS Česká republika s.r.o. - profesionální nářadí Praha

Exclusive representation of REMS for the Czech Republic - the world's leading manufacturer of professional tools for plumbers, heating and gas industry. We operate as wholesale, retail, distribution and sale of assortment for the following areas: Thread cutting:  - hand and electric taps, threading machines, insertion chucks, threading oils   Rolling of circumferential grooves:  - rolling…

ELMEP s.r.o. - Průmyslová automatizace Mělník

We specialize in complex services and supplies of automation technologies. We provide system solutions for industrial companies. Our employees are experienced in repairing and maintaining devices, regulating and measuring in the tough environment of companies engaged in chemical industry. We operate in the Czech Republic, as well as abroad, and have many years of experience. Our clients come…

CONTRA Praha, s.r.o. - Distribuce průmyslových řetězů Praha

The CONTRA Praha, s.r.o. company, headquartered in Prague, specializes in the production and sale of roller, conveyor, energy and motorcycle chains. We offer products from the TSUBAKI, CZ retezy, ZMC and Kabelschlepp companies. Chain drive is one of the basic structural elements in machine engineering. The market offers chains with increased corrosion resistance and service life, as well as…

CZ.TECH Čelákovice, a.s. - Prodej zarovnávaček a navrtávaček Praha

Production, modernization and repairs of CNC machine tools, designing of machinery and electrical equipment, business activity, commercial representation of the company EMAG - vertical lathes, MCU - monitoring of cutting processes. Products and Services:  - production, purchase and sale of CNC machines  - construction of single-purpose machines  - supply of control systems and actuators  -…

Altic Point s.r.o. - Regály Praha

Specialist for shelves - Altic Point s.r.o. Prague Rack systems - racks and shelves for wide use in industry (for production halls, warehouses and shops), as well as for archives, libraries, museums, offices and other premises. Representation of world brands Dexion, Dexion racks, Manorga, Bruynzeel, Sysco, Compactus. Automatic machine for storing and dispensing Europallets and other pallets of…


The SKYBERGTECH s.r.o. company is based on tradition and experience in the field of electromagnetic compatibility and electromagnetic field since 1992. Fields: - electromagnetic compatibility - EMC - electromagnetic field - EMF Products: Sinusoidal filters for frequency converters, dU/dt filters. Interference suppression filters up to the current of 2500A - single phase, three…

ZEUS-Techno Inc.

ZEUS-TECHNO Inc. Innovating the Nail Collating Industry ZEUS-TECHNO Inc. was established in 1979. At that time, our main business was making collated nails only. In 1997 I took over as the company CEO and we decided to design and manufacture nail collating machines. The first one we developed was plastic strip nail collator followed by wire coil and paper tape. Our machines family was later…

Uniservis Hašek s.r.o. - Elektromontážní práce Kladno

ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS AND INSPECTIONS - complete electrical installation work from low voltage to high voltage up to 22kV: - reconstruction and repair of electrical equipment - new installations for the industrial and civil sector - construction of cable networks - construction of transformer stations - construction of public lighting - carrying out initial and periodic reviews …

FRISCO s.r.o. - teplosměnné plochy

Our company FRISCO Ltd. is engaged in production of heat transfer surfaces. We use only proven procedures or certified production technologies for proper heat transfer in material manufacturing plant. Our products are made of: - Cu tubes - Al lamellas - Cu tubes - Cu lamellas - Stainless steel tubes - Al lamellas - Stainless steel tubes - Cu lamellas. Production: - Components for air…

Jiří Zvára - VYVAŽ.CZ - kovoobrábění

The company Jiří Zvára - VYVAŽ.CZ is a reliable, purely Czech supplier of parts and structural units manufactured according to customer documentation since 2012. We provide customers with comprehensive services, starting with the purchase of material, through heat treatment and machining, static or dynamic balancing, to the final surface treatment. . In addition to milled and turned parts, we…

ZPA Pečky, a.s. - Servomotory Kolín

The company ZPA Pečky, a.s. focuses on the production of MODACT servomotors, servomotor components and fittings. We have many years of experience in engineering and electrical engineering, we are part of ZPA GROUP. We are based in the town of Pečky in the Central Bohemian Region. Development, production, sale, service:  - actuators of the brand MODACT, MODACT CONTROL  - servomotors single…

Zoeller Systems s.r.o. - mechanismy pro zvedání a vyklápění

A tradition since 1992. We manufacture mechanisms for lifting and tipping containers for municipal and industrial waste. Zoeller Systems is a company that was founded in the Czech Republic in 1992. It is one of ten production and sales organizations of ZOELLER Kipper GmbH, Federal Republic of Germany, with branches in Europe, Africa and America. Our production program includes: -…

Josef Kubánek - instalatér

Hledáte spolehlivého specialistu na vodoinstalatérské, plynařské a topenářské práce? Firma Josef Kubánek je tu pro vás! Nacházíme se na adrese Úmyslovice 102 a jsme připraveni vám nabídnout špičkové služby v oblasti instalace a údržby. Ať už potřebujete osazování plynoměru, instalaci kotlů a plynových spotřebičů nebo hledáte odborníka na montáž a servis tepelných čerpadel, naše firma zaručuje…


The company GASTROSERVIS JS - Jiří Stehlík, based in Rakovník, deals with the sale and assembly of machines and equipment for kitchens, buffets, school canteens, hotels, barracks, boarding houses, restaurants, including stainless steel furniture and extractor hoods. Our activity: - sale, assembly and service of catering equipment (convection machines, console system, electric, gas, induction…

Euro SITEX, s.r.o.

Production, sale, service: -wire screens -standard screens -polyurethane surfaces -polyurethane and rubber systems, dehydrating agents, membrane screens -industrial screens -slot screens -surface, cylinders, filters -pressure and spot-welded screens - black and stainless -finger screens -screens for building purposes, fence frames, woven wire fabric, ribbed fencing -insect fabrics,…

Údržba silnic s.r.o.

Údržba silnic s.r.o. je česká společnost s dlouholetou tradicí v oblasti údržby a oprav silnic a komunikací. Nabízí širokou škálu služeb od běžné údržby, jako je zametání a čištění vozovek, až po komplexní opravy a rekonstrukce silnic. Disponuje týmem zkušených a kvalifikovaných pracovníků, moderním vozovým parkem, používáním kvalitních materiálů a technologií a také individuálním přístupem…