Machinery and equipment

Construction equipment and machinery, production technology, assembly of the equipment or hand tools belongs to the group of machinery and equipment for the industry. Buy this equipment from the best suppliers and manufacturers or feel free to use the sale of used and second-hand techniques.


Domestic road transport, transport, transportation: TRUCKS (tipper): - Multicar 2t - Avia 3t, 5t, MAN 7t - Liaz 14t, Tatra 12t IMPORT / REMOVAL of containers: Avia 3t, 5t, MAN 7t CONTAINERS (delivery and removal: possibility of loading - manual / machine) - rubble, soil up to 6t - mixed waste 3 - 12m3 WASTE DISPOSAL over 6t - LIAZ, TATRA - tippers TRANSPORTATION OF ALL MATERIAL…

DW Forklift s.r.o. - vysokozdvižné vozíky Doosan

Dovolte nám tímto představit společnost DW Forklift s.r.o., která sídlí na adrese Strojírenská 260/14, Praha 5. Společnost DW Forklift s.r.o. je výhradním zástupcem jihokorejské firmy Doosan Infracore Co.Ltd. pro Českou republiku. Firma se zabývá distribucí vysokozdvižných vozíků a manipulační techniky značky Doosan a EP EQUIPMENT a také prodejem použité manipulační techniky. Společnost DW…


Wholesale, retail trade, distribution, sale. Equipping with glassware and chinaware for hotels, restaurants, canteens: - glassware and chinaware for gastronomy facilities - beer, wine, soft drink glasses - small glasses, glass cups - beer and soft drink jugs - brand-name beverage glass - utility, taproom, restaurant glassware - decorative glassware - dinner sets …

Gabriel KLEIN

Dovoz úklidové techniky. Průmyslová, úklidová, čistící a mycí technika včetně sacích turbín pro všechny typy vysavačů: - prodej, servis, poradenství - náhradní díly a příslušenství pro všechny vysokotlaké mycí sestavy - mycí zařízení pro osobní a nákladní autodopravu - vysavače, čističe koberců a čalounění pro domácnost - zářiče, vyhřívací a přitápěcí systémy - LUX náhradní motory - WAP…

KOMTERM, a.s. - energetická řešení

KOMTERM JSC. The KOMTERM group is a strong and stable company that offers customers a wide range of products and services from power engineering field on the Czech and Slovak markets. Currently it employs over 350 employees. The KOMTERM energy company is based on the eighteen-year history of Milan Jelínek - KOMTERM company and continues the best traditions of Czech power engineering. It…


Comprehensive services in the field of lifting equipment will be provided by ČERMÁK JEŘÁBY, s.r.o. Our company specializes in inspections and revisions of cranes of all kinds, platforms and also hoists. Furthermore, the service of lifting equipment and manual lifting equipment and the sale of slings and slings. We are located at Českobrodská 1013 / 48A, Prague. Services: - elaboration of…

Sun Tanzer s.r.o.

The company offers customers innovative solutions in the field of energy using solar technology and photovoltaic systems for the production of electricity with the aim of maximally satisfying the client's requirements. The company's basic strategy is an individual approach to each customer with comprehensive consulting services. A diverse and extensive customer base enables us to implement…