Jaroslav Omasta - MH term
Heat pumps. Solar systems. Water installation, heating.
Heat pumps. Solar systems. Water installation, heating.
Výroba, montáž: -bazény a příslušenství na míru -odlučovače tuku -plastové vodoměrné šachty -polypropylenové nádrže-jímky, žumpy, septiky. Dodávka: -čistírny odpadních vod.
Representation of MULTICAR for Moravia Sales, repairs, service: - MULTICAR of all modifications - basic, intermediate, general (GO) repairs, including MOT - repairs of engines, gearboxes, differentials - renovation of engine blocks and heads, cranks. shafts and all hydraulic parts Sale: - new commercial vehicles MULTICAR M27, M30 Fumo, TREMO - municipal cleaning equipment…
Záruční i pozáruční servis: - automatické pračky - myčky nádobí - šicí stroje.
Repair, service, technical inspections and sales of spare parts for forklifts.
Dodávka, montáž, servis: - klimatizace - tepelná čerpadla - chladicí jednotky - mobilní klimatizační jednotky - odvlhčovače.
Sale and installation of air-conditioning and air-conditioning equipment. Ventilation of pools and wellness.
The company AGRO A.R.W., s.r.o. is engaged in plant and animal production, we produce BIO haylage, we breed beef cattle and our services also include agricultural services such as grain harvesting, plowing and more. We also sell and service agricultural machinery. We are located in the village of Stará Červená Voda, Jeseník district. Agricultural production: Crop production: - hay…
Projection: - buildings - engineering activity. Thermal diagnostics of buildings: - thermal imaging measurement of buildings. Consultation, advice: - construction industry.
Regional official representation for the Moravia region. Sales, service, rental and wholesale: - cleaning machines Nilfisk, Nilfisk-ALTO, WAP VAPKA, Nilfisk - CFM - a complete range of machines, parts, accessories, cleaning chemicals and spare parts - cleaning machines - cleaning technique - carpet cleaners - vacuum cleaners - high pressure cleaners, high pressure cleaner - vapky…
Prodej, oprava, servis: - zahradní technika - motorové pily, travní sekačky - travní traktory - řetězové pily - strunové sekačky - bazény - čerpadla - závlahové systémy - potřeby pro zahrádkáře.
Wholesale, retail, sale: - photo-cinema, photo supplies -equipment of photo laboratories and photo studios -cameras, photo accessories, flashes, tripods, slide projectors, filters - professional films, motion pictures -electronic diaries, calculators -Mobile Phones. Photo bazaar. Repair, service: -photo devices, optical devices. Photographic works: - classic and digital…
Wholesale, retail, sales: - photo - cinema, photo supplies - equipment of photo laboratories and photo studios - cameras, photo accessories, flashes, tripods, slide projectors, filters - professional films, motion pictures - electronic diaries, calculators - Mobile Phones. Photo bazaar. Repair, service: - cameras, optical devices.
Wholesale, retail, sales: - photo-cinema, photo supplies -equipment of photo laboratories and photo studios - cameras, photo accessories. Photo bazaar. Repair, service. Photographic works.
Retail, sales: - photo supplies - cameras. Repair, service: - cameras, optical devices. Photographic works: - advertising photos - photographic reports. Photo service, development, production: - photos, slides.
Production, sale: - rubber (plastic) medical products, means (hose profiles, injected parts) - urological stents and sets (urological material) - instruments, tools, accessories: - endoscopic, gastroscopic, colonoscopic, ERCP, endosonographic.
Forestry and technical works: - growing, planting - felling - earth moving works - soil cultivating (ploughing, reaping, harrowing). Sale: - forestry saplings. Sale, purchase, buy-up: - rough/green wood. Authorized sale, repair, guarantee and after-guarantee service: - AVIA, LUBLIN vehicles - car preparation for Technical Control Station (STK) - emission metering…
Transport, sorting of goods: - on pallets - shipping centers - sorting equipment - equipment for intra-company transport - transport systems, conveyors. Assembly and service of transport equipment. Design and production of conveyors. Production of conveyor components.
TEPLO - CHLAD s.r.o. zajišťuje prodej, montáž klimatizace, teplených čerpadel, rekuperace.
Velkoobchod, maloobchod, servis a internetový prodej čerpací techniky. Oprava servisu čerpadel na vodu, naftu a oleje většiny tuzemských a zahraničních značek.
Rodinná firma, která se zabývá instalací klimatizací, tepelných čerpadel, podlahového vytápění a rekuperace.
Rodinná půjčovna obytných automobilů.
Firma Eduard Richter, se sídlem v Přerově, se specializuje na poskytování profesionálních služeb v oblasti údržby a ochrany budov a střech, zejména ve výškách. Díky našim dlouholetým zkušenostem a důrazu na detail vám nabízíme komplexní servis, který zajistí, že vaše střecha i fasáda budou nejen čisté, ale i dlouhodobě chráněné. Naše služby zahrnují: - Čištění a mytí střech – Zbavíme vaši…
Odborníci ve světě solární a obnovitelné energie. Realizujeme fotovoltaiku, tepelná čerpadla, elektromontáž, klimatizace, revize termokamerou.