Výtahy Prostějov s.r.o.
Lifts Prostějov s.r.o. provide complete elevator service.
Lifts Prostějov s.r.o. provide complete elevator service.
APO kompletní práce elektro Provádí: -kompletní elektroinstalace -revize elektro -regulace vytápění -slaboproudé rozvody. Výroba: -rozvaděče. Montáž: -měřící a regulační technika -rozmrazovací kabely.
SCRUB s.r.o. se zaměřuje na čištění podlah, koberců a povrchovou úpravu.
Clear World s.r.o. offers for sale modern and versatile helpers for cleaning households that do not pollute nature. We supply steam cleaners, filtration equipment or ecological washing machines, which do not burden the environment with their use and replace chemical products. Sales, e-shop: - steam cleaners, steam cleaner DYNAMIK - woven and knitted towels, dusters, FLAME microfiber gloves…
Services of the town of Kostelec na Hané, the contributory organization manages public lighting, wastewater treatment, sewerage, roads, greenery and parks, housing management of the town of Kostelec na Hané. We provide services in road transport, masonry, glazing and maintenance of greenery. Provided services: - road transport - masonry work - glazier - plant care. Management: - public…
The company Miloslav Sedlák deals with the delivery, assembly and service of recuperation units, sets and hot air solar collectors. In our range you will find Meltem recuperation, decentralized, central and hot air solar collectors. Our, especially decentralized units can be used practically everywhere, but it is important to choose a suitable combination of units and their location, which will…
The Marek Drozd company offers professional heating and plumbing work. We install heat pumps, underfloor heating, gas and electric boilers as well as solid fuel boilers.
Proascom s.r.o. provides complete production facilities and services associated with the production and assembly of single-purpose machines for related companies Moditechnik and Inocreon s.r.o. These companies are engaged in the development, design and manufacture of single-purpose machines, equipment, production. lines, automation and control of technological processes. Services: - design…
Mr. Josef Látal provides his customers with services in the field of electrical installation. My portfolio of work activities includes electrical installation, electrical assembly, connection of electrical appliances, revision of electricity distribution, installation of lighting, assembly of lightning rods, in the case of connection and dismantling of electrical sockets. I also focus on…
The company VZ-INSTALACE offers complete plumbing, heating and gas works, installation and replacement of boilers and heating. We also carry out complete deliveries of buildings, such as reconstruction of housing cores. We enjoy a variety of work and this is also reflected in our offer. As part of the service, we provide the option of developing a project from A to Z for most services. If…
Prodej, montáž, opravy, servis: - klíče - zámky, vložky - dveřní kování - trezory - elektronické zabezpečení.
Production: - push-through filters - spinning jet filters - sealing - filter belts - flush support plates - filter candles - household sieves - filter elements - wall and ceiling lighting.
Sales and service: - Patterson fire pumps - Tammermatic washing lines for cars and trucks, buses, trolleybuses, trains and trams - car cosmetics for car washes.
Sale: - SKF, ZKL, ZVL, KG, CX and other bearings. Also gufera, V-belts, O-rings, safety rings and others. Advice on the selection, quality and use of bearings. Measurement and diagnosis of bearings.
Sale: - ventilation system - ventilators - spiro pipe - control flaps - silencers - suction AL hose - poppet valves.
Offer used and new tractors, harvesters and agricultural machinery. We offer transportation by Ford Transit car.
Production: - complete project documentation of the building. Installation, reconstruction and assembly: - domestic, industrial gas pipelines and water supply networks - gas installation, gasification - plumbing - air conditioning equipment - ventilation system - solar systems.
Prodej, poradenství: - nářadí pro stavební a strojírenské firmy, pro kutily - elektrické a benzínové nářadí od světových výrobců.
Service and installation: - gas boilers - automatic boilers - heat pumps - SIEMENS control - LV electrical installation.
Lease: - machinery intended for crushing and sorting natural materials, construction waste and other separates. We have years of experience in crushing and sorting materials and their reuse in the construction industry - material crushing and sorting.
FNelektro - DiS. František Nábělek je společnost, která se specializuje na širokou škálu elektrotechnických služeb, od fotovoltaických elektráren až po jádrové vrtání a elektroinstalace. S mnoha lety zkušeností v oboru, FNelektro poskytuje komplexní řešení pro domácnosti i podniky, včetně návrhu, montáže, technického poradenství a servisu. Fotovoltaické elektrárny: FNelektro nabízí kompletní…
Kominictví Jiří Žák se zabývá veškerými kominickými pracemi. V rámci naší činnosti nabízíme např. služby spojené s péčí o správnou funkci komínů a kouřovodů včetně kontroly spalinových cest. Současně realizujeme také pravidelné revize komínů na tuhá a plynná paliva. Současně se na nás můžete obrátit také s požadavkem na vložkování komínů. Působíme především v Olomouci a okolí. Naše…
In our large washing machines, you can wash anything that does not fit in your home washing machine. Bring blankets, blankets or mattress covers.
Sale: - cameras, photo accessories, films. Developing photos.
Retail, sales: - photo devices, cameras - photo films, films - frames. Services: - photographic - Photo studio - taking photos. Repair, service: - SAMSUNG, MINOLTA, YASHICA, PRAKTIKA cameras, CONTAX - TAMRON lenses. Collection service: - photographs.