Machinery and equipment

Construction equipment and machinery, production technology, assembly of the equipment or hand tools belongs to the group of machinery and equipment for the industry. Buy this equipment from the best suppliers and manufacturers or feel free to use the sale of used and second-hand techniques.

Dalibor Žák - Větrání budov

Prodej a montáž solárních panelů SolerVenti a rekuperačních jednotek Duka. Od roku 2015 se zabýváme problematikou nuceného větrání budov především prostřednictvím solárních teplovzdušných panelů dánské výroby SolarVenti (přitápění sluncem) a decentrálních rekuperačních jednotek Duka (úspora tepla při větrání). Navrhneme účinné odvětrání RD, chat, chalup, sklepů a jiných prostor s příspěvkem…

Milan Šulavík - instalatér, topenář

Pokud hledáte spolehlivého a zkušeného instalatéra a topenáře v okrese Bruntál, pak je pro vás správnou volbou firma Milan Šulavík. Tato firma se zabývá instalatérskými a topenářskými pracemi již více než 25 let a nabízí kvalitní a profesionální služby za rozumné ceny. Firma Milan Šulavík provádí montáž ústředního vytápění, vodoinstalace, montáže kotlů, rekuperačních jednotek, solárních…


VZV EXTERNAL SERVICE RP s.r.o based in Ostrava provides services related to lifting and handling technology. We focus on the sale and service of new and used forklift and pallet trucks. We also offer training and retraining of motor truck drivers. We can also arrange transport of trucks or construction machines. We provide all services throughout the Moravian-Silesian Region, in the districts…

Elektroservis Hlísta, s.r.o.

Elektroservis Hlísta, s.r.o. je společnost, která se zabývá širokou škálou elektrotechnických prací. Sídlo firmy je v Ostravě, ale působí i v okolních obcích a městech. Společnost nabízí následující služby: - Realizace, rekonstrukce a opravy elektroinstalace a elektrických rozvodů. Firma dokáže provést jak novou instalaci, tak modernizaci nebo opravu stávajících rozvodů. Zajišťuje také…

Plošiny Radek Zlámal

Firma Plošiny Radek Zlámal nabízí profesionální pronájem vysokozdvižné plošiny TATRA MP-27. Tato plošina je ideální volbou pro různé typy výškových prací díky své výjimečné stabilitě, terénní dostupnosti a pevné konstrukci. Naše služby zahrnují nejen pronájem samotné plošiny, ale i proškolenou obsluhu s potřebnou kvalifikací, která zaručí maximální bezpečnost a efektivní využití zařízení. …

Gastro Třinec

Our company Gastro Třinec, based in the district of Frýdek - Místek, deals with the sale and service of gastronomic equipment and kitchen equipment. We offer complete equipment for catering establishments such as restaurants, cafes, hotels, bars, canteens, school kitchens, pizzerias, bakeries, hospitals, etc. We also have a wide range of kitchen, table and bar inventory. We will provide…

Jan Heczko - topné systémy

We install radiant heating systems. Energy savings, high comfort, aesthetics - these are the main advantages of radiant heating systems. We offer our customers floor or wall heating at a favorable price, suitable for both new buildings, family houses, industrial buildings and reconstructions of historic buildings. We use the innovative Smartclip technology for flexible laying of…

Good Climate s.r.o. - vzduchotechnika, klimatizace

The company Good Climate s.r.o. supplies, installs and services air conditioning, air conditioning, heat pumps and recuperation. We implement, design and deal with facility management in the field of air conditioning, air conditioning and heating. Delivery, assembly, repair, service: - ventilation system - air conditioning - heat pumps - recuperation. We handle subsidies in the…

Emil Kaputa

Společnost Emil Kaputa provozuje půjčovnu dodávek, minibagrů a minibusů. Nabízíme prostorné vozy vhodné pro přepravu jakéhokoliv materiálu, výkonné minibagry a 9 místný minibus. Možnost krátkodobého i dlouhodobého pronájmu vozidel a minibagrů. Pronajímáme vysokotlaký čistič zámkových dlažeb a venkovních ploch Kärcher. Provádíme také výkopové práce pomocí minibagru. Půjčovna: - dodávky …

ZEFA - Hasicí technika

Společnost ZEFA poskytuje komplexní služby v oblasti požární ochrany a bezpečnosti práce, poradenství v oblasti životního prostředí a hygieny práce. Provádíme zákonné kontroly a revize zařízení požární ochrany, jejich případné opravy nebo dodávky nových zařízení. Činnost: - kontroly, opravy a prodej hasicích přístrojů - revize, opravy, dodávky hydrantů - revize vyhrazených druhů požárně…


Company CHIRANEX s.r.o. represented by Mr. Aleš Radomský is based in Ostrava and is engaged in the rental and rental of electrically adjustable beds, compensatory aids and other medical equipment, such as walkers. We will provide you with fast import including assembly and training, eviction of old bed or furniture. We deliver within the whole Moravian-Silesian, Olomouc and Zlín regions. …

Milan Kreis

Milan Kreis offers services in the field of revisions of gas equipment. I specialize in inspections of gas (these are not service inspections of gas boilers) and pressure equipment, as well as steam and hot water boilers. I will arrange for inspections of industrial furnaces, including a qualified professional inspection of your boiler room. Services: - revision of gas equipment - inspection…

ReSpol s.r.o. - Elektroinstalace Opava

Company ReSpol s.r.o. z Opavy deals with maintenance of high and low voltage electrical equipment. We assemble control systems of electricity consumption and transformer stations. We are also a recognized manufacturer of low voltage switchboards. We also successfully participate in the supply and installation of technological units for power engineering, including construction work. We operate…


Representation of the companies WEINIG, GRECON, DIMTER, RAIMANN, WACO, LUXSCAN in the Czech Republic: - woodworking machines for planing, profiling, sweeping, galvanizing, gluing and pressing of solid wood, for the production of wooden windows, tool grinders, optimization saws, wood defect scanners. Representation of the company REINBOLD: - slow-speed shredders of wood waste -…

MSV interier s.r.o.

MSV interier s.r.o. has many years of experience in the field of railway rolling stock. Based on this experience, our company focuses on the design, development and supply of components and materials for the interior of rail vehicles. Our production thus includes first and second class seats, regional transport seats, tram seats, dining car seats, waste bins, curtains, drapes and other products.…

HEGAs, s.r.o. - topné systémy

Company HEGAs, s.r.o. has more than twenty years of experience in the realization and design of heating systems for companies, houses or industrial buildings. We will help you choose the most suitable heating method with the lowest possible operating costs. We realize our turnkey projects. From project development, through subsequent implementation to service. Design, realization, service:  -…

GAKO-Oblouk s.r.o.

Surveyors from GAKO-Oblouk s.r.o. provide their clients with comprehensive, high-quality and fast services in the field of geodesy. We provide surveying and surveying of land boundaries, drawing up geometric plans, building point fields, setting out objects and line buildings before construction, surveying crane tracks or drawing up passports of buildings, roads, sewerage, etc. Our office is…

FERIER, s.r.o. - svářecí technika

The company Ferier s.r.o. is the exclusive importer and seller of welding equipment and welding robots of the German manufacturer CLOOS in the Moravian region. The CLOOS company is a manufacturer of top welding technology with more than 90 years of tradition. CLOOS has been producing welding robots since 1978. We provide comprehensive services: - tailor-made solutions for your workplace -…


A wide range of shelving systems, rudders, metal stands and also many types of transport trolleys for domestic and industrial use are supplied by TRESTLES, a.s. In our product portfolio you will find metal screwless racks, construction stands, supports, rudders or transport trolleys for use in shops, warehouses and establishments such as hobby markets. We are located in the village of Dětmarovice…

Ankra Steel, s.r.o. - Strojírenská výroba

Engineering company Ankra Steel s.r.o. with headquarters in Orlova in the Czech Republic, which is also a member of the European Union, specializes in metal production. Thanks to many years of experience, we can offer really precise production and processing of weldments and structures. From our production, these are specifically parts for rolling stock, parts of machines and equipment for the…

ADAMEC - ADRO s.r.o. - Adamec Lukáš

Sales, service and transport company ADAMEC - ADRO s.r.o. specializes in the sale of spare parts, filters, oils, pumps and industrial nozzles with accessories. Among other things, it also provides service and supply of spare parts for special machines of the Ropa, Merlo, Rau and other brands. The main activity is the service and repair of large agricultural machinery such as ROPA harvesters…

H-Fuchs Servis, s.r.o.

H-Fuchs Servis, Ltd. based in Ostrava and operating on the Czech and Slovak markets, sells power tools and spare parts, provides warranty and post-warranty service. Sale, e-shop, repair, service - warranty, post-warranty, rental:  Professional power tools:    Protool, Festool, Narex, Kango, Ryobi, Rems, Duss  - hand power tools:    grinding machines, drills, cordless tools, circular saws,…