Machinery and equipment

Construction equipment and machinery, production technology, assembly of the equipment or hand tools belongs to the group of machinery and equipment for the industry. Buy this equipment from the best suppliers and manufacturers or feel free to use the sale of used and second-hand techniques.

Lukáš Neumann

Výroba - brány Výroba - hliníkové skleníky Nerezová výroba - gastronomické vybavení (stoly, dřezy, police, ...) Nerezová výroba - schodiště - zábradlívýroba - ploty Svařování šedé litiny Kovářské práce Nerezová výroba - nádrže pro chemický průmysl

Luko - trávníky, s.r.o.

Trucking. Construction: -soccer pitches with third generation surfaces -sports -gut playgrounds -multi-purpose playgrounds and artificial sports surfaces - reconstruction -gut playgrounds Sale: -special fertilizers. Regeneration and treatment: -gut playgrounds. Sale: -grass seeds -automatic irrigation systems.

Lumír Matyáš

Assembly, reconstruction, revision and gasification: - boiler room assembly - residential and industrial gas pipeline audits - pressure vessels Construction: - equithermal regulation Gas installation work Construction: - solar heating equipment - heat pumps Heating works Construction: - floor heating Masonry work Realization: - sewer lines Plumbing work

lutech A/S, s.r.o.

Výroba, prodej, servis - stabilní hasící zařízení Výroba, prodej, servis - požární technika Výroba, prodej, servis - vysokotlaká čistící technika Dodávka - kalová čerpadla - dávkovací čerpadla Prodej - příslušenství k čištění kanalizace

Magic Bus, s.r.o.

Bus service: - domestic and foreign - international and domestic transport by Bova buses - at the request of the customer, we can arrange atypical tailor-made tours for schools, municipalities and individuals - trips to musicals, thermal baths, stays and sightseeing tours (Croatia). We own a historic retro bus Škoda 706 RTO lux, which we rent for company events, wedding days. Import,…