Machinery and equipment

Construction equipment and machinery, production technology, assembly of the equipment or hand tools belongs to the group of machinery and equipment for the industry. Buy this equipment from the best suppliers and manufacturers or feel free to use the sale of used and second-hand techniques.


Advice, advisory services for farmers: - in plant and soil nutrition - agricultural subsidies - elaboration of business plans - valuation of agricultural land - ecological agriculture. Laboratory activity: - analyzes of feed, plants, soils, composts, manure, fertilizers, vegetables, cereals, seeds, water, sugar beet, etc. On request - sampling (soil, plants, feed, water, etc.) and…

Microtes - Petr Moravec

Sales and service: - Tesa, Mitutoyo, Mahr gauges, Helios- Preisser, Schut, Bowers, Microtest, - calipers, micrometers, cavity gauges, height gauges, gauges, subita, gauges, gauges, universal gauges, 3D probes, three-point cavity gauges, thread gauges, taps, passameters, deflection gauges, calipers, - torque wrenches, torque gauges, Norbar, Bahco, Stahlwille, BMS Calibration of gauges.

Evald Harazim A.E.S.

Aplikace Elektronických Systémů. Prodej, montáž, servis, revize: - EZS - elektronické zabezpečovací systémy - EPS - elektronické požarní systémy - EKV - elektronická kontrola vstupu - ACS - docházkové systémy - CCTV - analogové a IP kamerové systémy - SK - rozvody strukturované kabeláže - DVT - domovní telefony a videotelefony - PBX - pobočkové telefonní ústředny - MR - místní…

JuBo Jeseník s.r.o.

Sale: - snow chains of all sizes for cars and trucks, engagement chains with horseshoes and spikes - link chains, untested, tested, high-strength - chains on coils - mining chains - stainless steel chains - galvanized chains - chains with deep cementation for chimneys for cutters - cattle ties - chains and hooks for forestry - hoist chains - chains for spreaders - a complete…

GANEKO, spol. s r.o.

Výroba: - ocelové konstrukce - kovové konstrukce, nosné konstrukce - složité svařence, mechanicky opracované díly - nádrže, nádoby, kontejnery, vozíky - zásobníky - potrubí, trubky, zábradlí - zvedací a dopravní zařízení.