Machinery and equipment

Construction equipment and machinery, production technology, assembly of the equipment or hand tools belongs to the group of machinery and equipment for the industry. Buy this equipment from the best suppliers and manufacturers or feel free to use the sale of used and second-hand techniques.


Precision engineering production. Activity: - metalworking, metalworking, machining - milling of weldments, castings - turning - locksmithery - production - metal consumer goods. All up to a maximum weight of 20 tons. We perform processing on conventional and CNC machines. Welding, surfacing. Overhauls, repairs, assembly: - machine parts, machine parts.

STELMAR s.r.o.

Výroba, oprava, montáž: - vyhrazená tlaková zařízení - ocelové konstrukce, potrubní trasy. Montáž, oprava: - armatury, ventilátory, regenerační ohříváky vzduchu, elektrostatické odlučovače popílku, mlecí linky k úpravě paliva, drtiče strusky, dopravní pásy, zauhlovací technika, mazutové a naftové hospodářství, vyhrazená plynová zařízení, zvedací zařízení, napájecí, chladící a kondenzátní…


Freight rail transport in Europe - a comprehensive solution especially for large industrial companies in Central and Eastern Europe. Emphasis is placed on the transport of heavy commodities - coal, steel, building materials or products of the automotive, food and chemical industries. Services: - long-distance rail transport - combined transport - railway forwarding - operation of sidings …

Jaroslav Adamczyk - Servis VZV

Sales, service: - forklifts - manipulation technique. Service and repair of handling equipment of various manufacturers: Caterpillar, Linde, Mitsubishi, Desta, Jungheinrich, Komatsu, Toyota, Balkancar, Combilift, Hyster, Still, TCM and others, including general repairs of the drive unit. We supply Solideal, Marangoni, Trelleborg industrial tires.