Machinery and equipment

Construction equipment and machinery, production technology, assembly of the equipment or hand tools belongs to the group of machinery and equipment for the industry. Buy this equipment from the best suppliers and manufacturers or feel free to use the sale of used and second-hand techniques.


Consulting, control and testing and inspection activities: surface and anti - corrosion treatment and protection of metals (coatings and metal hot sprayed, galvanized and hot dip obtained coatings) - corrosion - execution of steel structures, design assessment from aspects of corrosion protection, dimensions, surface, welds - fire surface protection of steel structures -…

Ing. Jan Strakoš - STROSS

Dodávka, servis: - náhradní díly na strojní součásti pro strojírenství, těžký průmysl a průmysl stavebních hmot - dodávka náhradních dílů pro doly a důlní techniku (drtiče, hřeblové dopravníky, pásové dopravníky, přírubové potrubí, vzduchotechnika) - kovoobrábění - zámečnická výroba - tváření za studena (lisování, ohýbání, prostříhávání) - dodávka ocelových konstrukcí …

Aleš Drlík -

E-shop with equipment for pro motocross, enduro, road motorcycles and mtb cycling Import, wholesale, sale, assembly, service, e-shop, retail: - security systems GT ALARM for houses, companies, apartments, cars - alarms - satellite, apartment, car alarms, motorcycle alarms...

WHS-Handling spol. s r.o.

Production, sale, repair, service, construction, development: - handling machines, equipment, manipulators - single-purpose machines - industrial robots Brno branch WHS-HANDLING SPOL. s r.o. Maříkova 2010/5 621 00 Brno-Řečkovice Tel .: + 420 724 780 811 Prague branch WHS-HANDLING SPOL. s r.o. Conveyors 749/3 184 00 Prague-Dolní Chabry Tel .: + 420 724 780 814

MORYS s. r. o.

Construction company with a focus on technical equipment for buildings with an implementation center in Ostrava, a production site in Paskov and branches in Brno and Prague. - designing, supplying, installing and servicing air-conditioning and air-conditioning systems - comprehensive implementation of healthcare operations - realization of cooling, heating and sanitary distribution systems -…