Machinery and equipment

Construction equipment and machinery, production technology, assembly of the equipment or hand tools belongs to the group of machinery and equipment for the industry. Buy this equipment from the best suppliers and manufacturers or feel free to use the sale of used and second-hand techniques.

Jiří Špaček

Montáž, servis, oprava: -centrální vysavače, vysávací systémy BEAM, ELECTROLUX -usnadňují práci a zkvalitňují čistotu vnitřního ovzduší -snížením alergických obtíží. Určeno pro: -domácnosti, rodinné domy -komerční prostor -průmyslové objekty.

VÁŇA Hybrálec s.r.o.

Prodej, záruční, pozáruční servis, oprava: -nová i použitá zemědělská technika (stroje) -traktory, stroje na pícniny, postřikovače, rozmetadla, secí stroje, podmítače, pluhy, krmné a zastýlací vozy -dodávky originálních náhradních dílů. Dále dodáváme: -originální i jiné náhradní díly pro zahraniční zemědělské stroje (kombajny, řezačky, traktory, lisy aj.) Náhradní díly na nápravy CARRARO a…

Ivan Mařík

Služby v oblasti PO** (požární ochrana a BOZP (bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví při práci). Služby: -posouzení požárního nebezpečí dle zákona čNR č.133/85 Sb. o požární ochraně -komplexní činnosti osoby odborně způsobilé v PO** - osoba s odornou způsobilostí v BOZP a vyhledávání rizik -nutné proškolení v předpisech PO** a BOZP -zhotovení a vedení předepsané dokumentace …

Požární bezpečnost s.r.o.

Services: -revision and repair of fire extinguishers, fire water mains (hydrants) - elaboration of fire risk assessment of buildings and activities -training and elaboration of documentation in the areas of fire protection and health and safety -revision of electrical equipment and lightning conductors, including troubleshooting -We advise on how to efficiently and economically equip objects…

Požární bezpečnost s.r.o.

Services: -revision and repair of fire extinguishers, fire water mains (hydrants) - elaboration of fire risk assessment of buildings and activities -training and elaboration of documentation in the areas of PO ** and BOZP -revision of electrical equipment and lightning conductors, including troubleshooting -We advise on how to efficiently and economically equip objects -comprehensive…

Požární bezpečnost s.r.o.

Services: -revision and repair of fire extinguishers, fire water mains (hydrants) - elaboration of fire risk assessment of buildings and activities -training and elaboration of documentation in the areas of PO ** and OSH -revision of electrical equipment and lightning conductors, including troubleshooting -We advise on how to efficiently and economically equip objects -comprehensive…

Požární bezpečnost s.r.o.

Services: -revision and repair of fire extinguishers, fire water mains (hydrants) - elaboration of fire risk assessment of buildings and activities -training and elaboration of documentation in the areas of PO ** and BOZP -revision of electrical equipment and lightning conductors, including troubleshooting -We advise on how to efficiently and economically equip objects -comprehensive…

VK TECHNIK, v.o.s.

VK TECHNIK, based in the Vysočina district, has been in existence for 30 years and since the beginning of its existence has specialized in complex deliveries of measuring and control systems and supplies of technologies such as solar systems, photovoltaic power plants, heat pumps or solid fuel boilers. Our activity: - intelligent houses, intelligent wiring, house regulation -…

ARMATUS group, s.r.o.

Security service (agency): -guarding of industrial buildings -cultural and social events -concerts and balls -armed transport of valuables and cash -debt collection -assembly of the patrol control system. -consulting activities in the field of security. Division of security systems, design, installation and inspection: -electronic security alarms -electronic fire alarms -camera…


Technické služby: -tuhý komunální odpad - tříděný -zemní práce -stavební práce -vývoz fekálií -lesní práce -údržba a správa sportovišť -údržba zeleně (sečení). Koupaliště: -plavecký bazén -skluzavku -dětský bazén s vodotryskem -občerstvení v areálu koupaliště -hřiště na plážový volejbal. Prodej: -sypké materiály. Otvírací doba: Po, Út, Čt, Pá:6:30-12:30;13-15hod. St:6:30…


Exclusive representation of CHESTERTON for the Czech Republic. Distribution, wholesale, sale: -single-stage centrifugal pumps for -nuclear energy -classical energy -chemical operations -normal operations, emphasizing high reliability -sealing products -sealing cords -mechanical split seals -flat seals -seals for hydraulics -sealing of critical valves and fittings -LIVE…

Valinor, v.o.s.

Valinor professional systems: -development of a system solution for professional disinfection and hygiene in a medical facility using the knowledge database of the Valinor system -implementation of this solution, including deliveries of all components -training of persons working with disinfectants in the field of work safety and handling of products containing NL -compilation of disinfection…


BIOANALYTIKA CZ, s. R. O., Chrudim is a testing laboratory accredited by ČIA, o.p.s. We offer: Sampling of all types of water, soils, waste and air, chemical analysis of drinking water, groundwater, wastewater, pool water, sewage sludge, solid and liquid waste and soil, measurement of radon content in water, determination of radon index, technological tests of drinking water treatment water…

Miroslav Novotný - MaR

Delivery, assembly, repair, service: - measurement and regulation for heating - air conditioning and TZB - industrial installations. Deliveries, assembly, reconstruction: - heat sources - heat distribution - measurement of steam, heat and cold secondary and fixed meters - ventilation and air conditioning - IRC systems - regulation of electrical energy - technology monitoring…