ATC, Astro Telescope Company, a.s.
Production, retail, sales, e-shop, bazaar: - astronomical technique
Production, retail, sales, e-shop, bazaar: - astronomical technique
Activity: - services in the field of fire protection and occupational safety - training of PO and OSH employees
Wholesale, retail, sales, repair, service: - refrigeration and air conditioning technology -gastronomic establishments -heat pumps
Sales, implementation: - camera systems - electronic security systems. Electrical installation: - low-current assemblies Sales, service: - computing. Implementation and management - computer networks.
Construction, production - single-purpose machines and equipment mainly made of stainless steel - transport and handling technology - filling and sealing machines - self-priming stainless steel pumps
Production -laboratory incubators and thermostats
Delivery - industrial automation - process management in the energy industry Delivery - process management in the energy industry Development - hardware for comfortable data collection from electricity meters and their transmission to the superior ŘS Development - software for controlling MAGUIRE gravimetric dosing machines.
Delivery, sales, service - audiovisual technology - studio sound equipment - measuring and laboratory instruments
Sales, retail, repair, service: -air ventilation equipment
Technicko - organizační služby BOZP Technicko - organizační služby PO
Delivery, assembly: -measurement and control. -electronic security signaling. - heating. -ventilation system. -solar systems.
Wholesale: - belts. - bearings. -gufera.
Prodej - náhradní díly - autodoplňky Prodej - stáčené oleje MOGUL Prodej - spojovací materiál Prodej - náhradní díly na sekačky Prodej - náhradní díly na traktory a zemědělskou techniku
Publishing, printing, polygraphy, publishing sound recordings.
Sales and service of CNC machine tools - vertical and horizontal machining centers - advanced automation system for industry 4.0 - portal machining centers - lathes Other products and services: accessories, automation, financing and training
Činnost: - komplexní služby v oblasti bezpečnosti práce a požární ochrany - kontroly a revize plynových, zdvihacích a tlakových zařízení.
Sales, delivery - wall-mounted and wall-hung catering equipment, fume hoods, showcases, shelves, sideboards, tables, cabinets - stoppage of the ANTICORO company
Elektroinstalační práce Montáž - hromosvody Montáž - centrální vysávání
Stěhování - stroje Elektroinstalační práce Servis a montáž - tvářecí technika (ohýbačky plechu, ohraňovací lisy, tabulové nůžky, ...)
Sales, installation, service: - pumps, pumps.
Cable assembly service, comprehensive measurement and diagnosis of cables - accurate localization of all types of faults on underground cable networks Assembly and service - wireless technology
Service - cooling device
Production: - accessories for gliders and gliders