Equipment for companies

Equipment for the company includes not only metal and wooden furniture the type of working tables, office chairs and cabinets, but also electronics and office equipment, among which you must not miss computers, printers, phones, faxes or walking systems.


Company operation and headquarters: Industrial zone Litomyšl Svitavska Production, wholesale: - machines for post-harvest processing of seeds - seed pickling machines - machines for bagging and packaging bulk materials including weighing - machines for palletizing packages, storage on the pallet - interoperation trough and other conveyors - storage bins Assembly: …

Jarmila Stříteská - JAS

Zastoupení, dealer: - Merkuria Praha a.s. Velkoobchodní, maloobchodní prodej: - gastro zařízení pro kuchyně - chladicí a mrazicí zařízení pro prodejny (boxy, vitríny) - nářadí pro řemesla - kulové kohouty - vodovodní baterie. Firmy, značky: - KOXKA, KOVINASTROJ, PAFFONI, ITALVALVOLE, EBARA, KNIPEX, BLACK & DECKER, RAPID, REMS, VBW, HOLZHER, MAKITA.

OLSPOL s.r.o.

On-line sales and stone shop of forged elements for the production of fences, gates, grilles, furniture, railings. We represent the Rikfer brand. We offer blacksmith semi-finished products, spikes, pierced and forged bars, handles, knockers, bells, candlesticks. We provide locksmith work. Implementation of civil, residential and industrial buildings.

Karel Zich

Retail, hardware and industrial goods - industrial goods - garden umbrellas - wholesale: - foil for gardeners - hardware Opening hours are: Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 16:00 Sat: 09:00 - 11:00 No: closed (normal) Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:00 Sat: 09:00 - 11:00 No: closed (during summer holidays) We also take credit cards and the store serves as a point of issue for PPD.

Petr Bodeček

Car repair shop. Sale of vehicles. - vehicle service - plumbing work - sale of original parts and replicas - sale of branded oils - repairs and replacement of windshields - installation of security devices - towing of vehicles from abroad, including the crew