Petr Černoch
Production, metalwork, locksmithing: - weldment - machine parts - steel constructions - construction locksmith elements
Production, metalwork, locksmithing: - weldment - machine parts - steel constructions - construction locksmith elements
Výroba, prodej: -obaly z plastů pro potravinářství: -kanystry na vodu 2, 3, 5, 10 -vaničky na tyčinky -na trojhránky.
MONY REVIZNÍ TECHNIK: -revize, zkoušky: -tlakové nádoby, parní kotle -školení a zkoušky obsluh OPRAVA, SERVIS: -strojů, NC, CNC -pece s atmosférou a vakuové VELKOOBCHOD, PRODEJ: -pneumatická zařízení
Stavební firma. Stavba,výstavba. Práce: -komplexní stavební -stavební zámečnictví,zámečnické, zámečník: -kovová okna,dveře,schodiště,zábradlí, vrata,ploty,mříže. Velkoobchod,maloobchod,prodej: -stavební materiál,stavebniny. Provozovna: -Bílovice 475,68712 tel.:572587353.
Revize, zkoušky, oprava, servis: - tlakové nádoby - parní kotle.
Carpentry, carpentry: Production: - interior furniture: -kitchen lines, kitchen included built-in appliances -office furniture - living room walls -children's rooms -bathroom furniture.
Stolařství, stolárna, stolařské práce. Výroba: - nábytek: - ložnice - obývací pokoje, stěny - dětské pokoje - kuchyňské linky (kuchyně) - kancelářský nábytek - stoly, stolky - police, poličky - postele, manželské postele - skříně, skříňky - interiéry na klíč.
Services: -construction of GSM, 3G, CDMA base stations -installation and start-up of GSM, 3G, CDMA technology - installation of microwave connections - construction of optical routes and connections - design and engineering activities -electrical engineer work Production: -steel constructions -telecommunication masts.
Services: -construction of GSM, 3G, CDMA base stations -installation and start-up of GSM, 3G, CDMA technology - installation of microwave connections - construction of optical routes and connections - design and engineering activities -electrical engineer work. Production: -steel constructions -telecommunication masts.
Práce: -stolařské, truhlářské. Zakázková výroba: -nábytek bytový: -kancelářský nábytek. Stavba, realizace, rekonstrukce: -byty, rodinné domy. Návrhy: -interiéry.
Výroba, prodej, servis: -pilové kotouče -pilové pásy na kov -SK kotouče na kov a neželezné kovy -frikční pilové kotouče.
Carpentry, carpentry. Reconstruction: - historical furniture Projections, designs, implementation, custom-made furniture: - offices, meeting rooms, halls - equipment of restaurants, hotels - log cabin outdoor saunas - apartment part - office premises - studios - pergolas, garden furniture.
Services: - sale of wigs - hairdresser - cosmetics - nail modeling - gluing eyelashes - pedicure
Velkoobchod, maloobchod, prodej: -hutní materiál -trapézové plechy -železo: -nosiče, úhelníky, plechy, dráty. Výroba: -zámečnická zakázková, zámečnictví, zámečník. Prodejna: -FEROSTAM, spol. s r.o. prodejní sklad Rybníky(areál Svit) tel.:577522351, 777754651 fax: 577522581.
Sale: -furniture and interior equipment. Security Service Production: -logoprints and labels Production: -stamps, business cards, carved advertising. Rehabilitation services. Electrical assembly work. Imprint. Sewing: -clothes. Sale: -women's and men's ready-made clothing.
Custom production: -goods (products) made of plastics as supplied documentation. Production technology: - hot forming of plastics -pressing and hot air welding. Ware: -air ducts made of plastics - catch basins, tanks, vats -covered in LV switchboards - shaped slats, profiles, hanging - cabinets for switchboards - containers for chemicals, developing tanks, hoods,…
Locksmith production - atypical products, individually designed stainless steel structures. Production, deliveries, realization: - stairs of all types - stair railings - system railings - doors, gates, gates - door, stair, bar handles - bathroom equipment - construction of entrance, control and security systems - protective frames for vehicles of all brands without…
Production, deliveries, design, assembly, disassembly, overhaul, metal production: - steel constructions - warehouses, production halls, gyms - arched, linen, laminate, aluminum halls - halls with gabled roof, laminate, aluminum - halls uninsulated, insulated, illuminated.
Our company focuses on the production of typical office furniture, kitchens, restaurant and bar equipment, as well as custom production (bedrooms, children's and student rooms, living rooms, built-in wardrobes, hallways, halls, etc.). Production: - typical office furniture - the kitchen - equipment for restaurants, bars - home furniture to order: -bedroom -children's and living rooms …
Výroba, prodej: -nábytek a bytové doplňky: -pro interiéry obchody, restaurace, kanceláře.
Work: - metalwork - assembly locksmith and welding work - steel roof frames - cable drum lifter - steel interior staircase - steel constructions
Containers - production of Avia, Abroll, Man, Daf, Liaz, Iveco containers - production of bodywork and bodywork grates for Liaz and Škoda 706 - containers at super prices. Repair, service: - rope container carriers. Locksmith work. Welding work. Body work. Bending, cutting sheets.
Wholesale, sale: - abrasive - abrasive materials
Production, sale: -cartonage: -shaped section -flap boxes -folders -grids -planets. Recycling: -RESY system.