Engineering plants and metal fabrication

Metal fabrication offers custom built single-part and large-scale production of metal components. It is possible to realize the products virtually of any material. Engineering in the CZECH republic offers a high standard of production arising from a long tradition, and that in the field of production of materials and machining.

KOVORAKO, s.r.o.

Our company KOVORAKO s.r.o. offers its customers in the field of Rakovník, Kladno, Slaný, Louny, Kralovice, Plzeň and the surrounding area a wide range of services in the field of metal production. We have modern metal processing technologies at our disposal, such as a laser, a CNC press brake and a powder coating plant, which allow us to meet the various requirements of our customers. Thanks to…

SASKOV s.r.o.

Work: -crane work, work with a truck crane - welding, metal welding - locksmith, locksmith - metalworking - turning, metal milling - construction. Production: - electric tricycles - pressure vessels. Repairs: - pressure vessels.

HFH strojní, s.r.o.

Engineering. Custom production of cantilever rack parts. Production and assembly: - steel constructions - masts - ramps - railings - steel gates, doors, gates - fence. Production of steel parts of buildings, stairs, partitions. Production of pallets. Punching of flanges of IPE 160 – 330 profiles for shelving systems Surface treatment - painting, galvanizing, komaxit.

KOVO Příbram s.r.o.

Zámečnictví. Kovovýroba, obrábění: -kovová vrata, ploty, police, mříže, schodiště, zábradlí, zahradní krby, grily, udírny, teplovzdušná kamna a krby na dřevo i kachlové provedení -ocelové stavební konstrukce -krbové vložky na míru do stávajících krbů. Práce: -frézařské -soustružnické -lisařské lisování -svářečské svařování -stříhání plechů -dělení…