Engineering plants and metal fabrication

Metal fabrication offers custom built single-part and large-scale production of metal components. It is possible to realize the products virtually of any material. Engineering in the CZECH republic offers a high standard of production arising from a long tradition, and that in the field of production of materials and machining.

Matula-pohonná technika, spol. s r.o.

The company Matula-pohná technika, spol. s r.o. is an engineering company focusing on the production of propulsion technology. In our range you will find special gearboxes as well as gears. We are located in Přerov at U Silnice 51/24. Production, metal production: - propulsion technology - gears - special gearboxes (spur, mechanical, bevel, worm). Do you really need a quality…

PSP Pohony a.s.

The company PSP Pohony a.s. is a traditional manufacturer and supplier of industrial gearboxes, clutches, brakes and other components for various applications. We have our own technology and development department. We manufacture spur and bevel gearboxes for various applications in industry, construction and agriculture. Standard, special and "tailor-made" gearbox types. We manufacture a wide…


The company STROJÍRNY A OPRAVNY MILENOV spol. s r.o. is engaged in custom engineering production of technological equipment for wastewater treatment plants, water treatment plants and pumping stations, technological parts for cement plants, lime plants, gravel plants and power plants, steel structures and pipe components. To ensure a high production standard, we have specialized workplaces for…

ANTARES - AZV s.r.o.

Výroba, výzkum, vývoj: - filtrační lisy (300-1500 mm), - čistírny odpadních vod - ostřikovače plachetek - obslužné plošiny, zásobní nádrže. Dodávka technologických celků: - filtrace suspenzí a odvodňování kalů čistíren i odpadních vod. Služby: - filtrační testy a poloprovozní zkoušky - návrhy typů a velikosti filtračního lisu - zpracování kompletní technologie, dodávka…

BSM - kovovýroba s.r.o.

BSM - kovovýroba s.r.o. as its name suggests, it provides comprehensive services in the field of metal production. Within our activities we focus on production and assembly of single-purpose machines, steel structures, interior accessories made of structural, stainless steels and non-ferrous metals as well as technological parts and units. Furthermore, our production program includes motorized…

VÚHŽ a.s.

VÚHŽ a.s. operates as a manufacturing and trading company that followed the activities of the former research institute. We focus all our activities in the field of special metallurgical production and supplies of automation technologies. Our products and services are also used in the engineering, energy and automotive industries. We focus on custom production and are constantly expanding our…