Engineering plants and metal fabrication

Metal fabrication offers custom built single-part and large-scale production of metal components. It is possible to realize the products virtually of any material. Engineering in the CZECH republic offers a high standard of production arising from a long tradition, and that in the field of production of materials and machining.

Vlastimil Sikora

Natěračské práce Plynoinstalační práce Topenářské práce Zednické práce Zámečnické práce Záruční a pozáruční opravy - vodovodní baterie RAF, ORAS, NOVASERVIS, SPRING ROKUMAT, RAV, SANITEC, KERAMAG, KOLO Vodoinstalatérské práce

Vítkovice Power Engineering, a.s.

The company VÍTKOVICE POWER ENGINEERING a.s. is a member of the largest domestic engineering group VÍTKOVICE MACHINERY GROUP. MANUFACTURING PROGRAM: ENERGY - Implementation of projects of new energy sources (EPC contracts) - Realization of new deliveries and restoration of subcritical boilers with output from 100 to 500 MWe according to own know-how - Supply of key elements of pressure,…