Technos, s.r.o.
Prodej - rohože Prodej - kancelářské a pracovní židle Prodej - tvářecí stroje - ohýbačky - zakružovačky
Prodej - rohože Prodej - kancelářské a pracovní židle Prodej - tvářecí stroje - ohýbačky - zakružovačky
Architektonická a inženýrská činnost v požární bezpečnosti
datum zániku: 21.5.2013 Prodej a servis - stroje na tváření a dělení plechů.
Dodávka a montáž - odlučovače ropných látek - domácí čistírny odpadních vod Stavebně inženýrská činnost - vypracování technických studií a rozpočtu staveb Dodávka a montáž - čerpací technika
Technical Services - management, maintenance and repair of local roads - with work on public gardens - maintenance and repair of children's playgrounds - cleaning of roads.
Technical Services: - sewer cleaning - faeces removal - earthworks.
The priority of the company Technické služby Šluknov, spol. s r.o. is to ensure the maintenance and cleanliness of the city. The services we provide include maintenance of greenery, collection and disposal of waste, earthworks, pumping of sumps by fecal truck V3S, operation of the collection yard or routine repairs and maintenance of the public lighting network. We are located at Císařský 378,…
Technical Services: - cleaning of roads, sidewalks and spaces - earthworks - work with NISAN work platform - tiling work - garden work - copying work - advertising activity - care for greenery - faecal export - public lighting - billing.
Technické služby měst
Haulage. Development and production. - single-purpose machines for the automotive, textile and electrotechnical industries Metalwork: - locksmith work
Prodej - samolepící reflexní folie AVERY DEVINSON, 3M, STIMSONITE Prodej - kanadské odvlhčovače a zvlhčovače - klimatizační okenní jednotky
Development, construction and production of single-purpose and multi-purpose machines and equipment. Automation, outsourcing and service of power electronics - ball freewheels - built-in elements.
Production of laboratory equipment.
Výroba: - diamantové vrtáky pro sklo a keramiku - brusné kužely - vyměnitelné břitové destičky z polykrystalického kubického nitridu boritého.
Production and sale: - floats for ultralights and LSAs.
Poradenství - chemické látky Poradenství - ekologie - vlivy na životní prostředí Poradenství - dotace Poradenství - zemědělská praxe
Company Ing. Josef Kulhánek - Etis deals with the supply and assembly of electronic security, camera systems and low-current distribution systems. We have been offering security and monitoring systems for a long time, which enable complex spatial and envelope protection of the building, against fire, gas explosion and water flooding. Low-current distributions: - cabling system for…
Development, delivery: - electronic devices - single-purpose programmable machines
Activity: - services in the field of management systems, environment, health and safety and fire protection - Courses, seminars.
Activity: - construction and repair of ships and sections - welding and locksmith work.
The company SOFTGEO from Kroměříž is a representative of foreign manufacturers of industrial equipment in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. We provide all technical and business services to our customers and we always work closely with manufacturers to find the optimal technical solution. We offer all machines and equipment at standard manufacturers' prices without surcharges. Everything is…
Prodej - příslušenství pro kluzáky a větroně