Machinery and equipment for companies

Range of machines and equipment for the company includes a variety of technique. Production machines in the form of CNC technology, packaging and sorting lines, warehouse systems, cranes, conveyors, assembly robots, presses, textile machinery or technology for the food industry.

Roman Divoký

Montáž - elektronické zabezpečení rodinných domů Montáž - mříže Montáž - průmyslová a garážová vrata - brány Montáž, rekonstrukce a revize - silnoproudé a slaboproudé elektrické rozvodyelektroinstalace Montáž - hromosvody

Rolnická společnost, a. s.

Services: - agricultural production - repairs of working machines - road motor transport - operation of a filling station with fuels - hospitality activities - business in the field of hazardous waste - repairs of road vehicles Sale: - crop production - starch potatoes - food wheat - malting barley - animal production - milk …

Jan Bláha

Services: carpentry work surface treatments of beeswax and oils production replicas of English furniture CHIPPENDALE atypical furniture Production: furniture, home accessories wooden dining room furniture kitchen, kitchen furniture kitchen counters fences, stairs, railings stairs windows, doors Sale: cleaning machines, material beeswaxes and oils for the maintenance of NATURAL…