Machinery and equipment for companies

Range of machines and equipment for the company includes a variety of technique. Production machines in the form of CNC technology, packaging and sorting lines, warehouse systems, cranes, conveyors, assembly robots, presses, textile machinery or technology for the food industry.

Pavel Schaller

Real estate valuation expert. Appointed by the decision of the Regional Court in Prague on 18/12/1978, business number Spr 579/78 for the basic field of economics - the branch of real estate prices and estimates. Radon measurement. Activity permit based on the decision of the State Office for Nuclear Safety, Senovážné nám. 1585, Prague 1. SÚJB/POD/7623/2011/1 1. Determining the radon index…

Pavel Římal

Services: -safety and Health protection during work - fire prevention -environmental Protection -waste management - processing of organizational standards of the company -conducting selection procedures and searching for employees - processing analyzes of the personal and work profile of employees - implementation and processing of sociological surveys

Pavel Novák

Nákladní autodoprava - vnitrostátní a mezinárodní - do 3,5t Prodej - bazénová chemie VODNÁŘ česká výroba Prodej - sudové moravské víno Prodej - spojovací materiál Prodej - truhlíky a květníky Prodej - motorové sekačky Záruční i pozáruční servis - motorové sekačky Prodej - zahradnické potřeby a zahradnické nářadí - zahradní hadice Prodej …

Pavel Nezbeda

E-shop: - garden houses - greenhouses - garden furniture - garden equipment (mowers, clippers, shredders) - gardening supplies - garden houses - garden furniture - Household Goods - greenhouses - Household Goods - swimming pools - infrared saunas - garden technology mowers, clippers, shredders - gardening supplies