Financial and insurance brokerage, consulting. Industrial risk insurance, vehicle insurance, property insurance of citizens, life and property insurance.
V naší kanceláři sjednáváme a radíme klientům v oblastech veškerého pojištění tj. životní a úrazové pojištění, pojištění majetku, pojištění motorových vozidel, pojištění firem, cestovní pojištění a také penzijní připojištění. ZDARMA Vám poskytnu informace a poradenství o pojištění ať už auta, domu či vaši vlastní osobě.
Finanční poradenství - stavebního spoření - penzijní připojištění - životního a majetkové pojištění, pojištění aut - zprostředkování hypoték a srovnání nabídek na trhu - finanční investice a jejich diverzifikace
Consulting company: - comprehensive solutions for living needs in the field of property and personal insurance, housing financing, savings and investments.
ERV Evropská pojišťovna, a. s. - formerly Evropská Cestovní Pojišťovna (ECP) The only insurance company specialized in travel insurance on the Czech market. We offer a wide selection of short-term and long-term insurance for holidays and business trips abroad. We also provide guarantee insurance in case of bankruptcy of the travel agency.
The company Top-Pojištění.cz has been enabling users to easily compare and take out ONLINE insurance for 6 years. Compulsory liability, accident insurance, travel insurance, household insurance. Top-Pojištění.cz - Insurance by fluttering the wings.
INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL BROKER -insurance brokerage -free representation of interests - interests of citizens, companies and state authorities in the field of insurance and financial services -consultant, agent and business manager (independence from insurance companies and financial institutions) -attendance - formalities connected with completion of contracts and amendment to contracts…
Výpočet náhrady škody: - škody na věcech movitých - škody na věcech nemovitých - škody na zdraví - ztráty na výdělku - výpočet ušlého zisku. Likvidace pojistných událostí průmyslových a občanských rizik: - z povinného pojištění motorových vozidel - z havarijního pojištění motorových vozidel - z pojištění nemovitostí a ostatního majetku - z pojištění odpovědnosti ze…
Banking services: - current accounts and foreign currency accounts keeping - cash/credit cards - deposit services - other banking services. Further special information you can get on free line: 00420-800-100001.
Banking services: - current accounts and foreign currency accounts keeping - cash/credit cards - deposit services - other banking services. Further special information you can get on free line: 00420-800-100001.
Makléřská společnost Bohemia Investment, s. r. o. působí na českém trhu od roku 2003. Svým klientům poskytuje sjednání pojištění, úvěru a zprostředkování factoringu.
Insurance brokerage company, consulting in the selection of an institute and insurance, revision of existing contracts, analysis of possible risks, development of the entire system of risk coverage, representation of the client in the settlement of claims and insurance events. Insurance, vehicle insurance, accident insurance, travel insurance, life insurance, property insurance, legal…
Banking services: -current accounts and foreign currency accounts -credit cards -deposits -other banking services. More information - tool-free line 00420-800 100001.
Banking services: - current accounts and foreign currency accounts - credit cards - deposits - other banking services. More information - tool-free line 00420-800 100001.
Banking services: - current accounts and foreign currency accounts - credit cards - deposits - other banking services. More information - tool-free line 00420-800 100001.
Banking services: - current accounts and foreign currency accounts - credit cards - deposits - other banking services. More information - tool-free line 00420-800 100001.
Banking services: - current accounts and foreign currency accounts - credit cards - deposits - other banking services. More information - tool-free line 00420-800 100001.
Banking services: - current accounts and foreign currency accounts - credit cards - deposits - other banking services. More information - tool-free line 00420-800 100001.
Banking services: - current accounts and foreign currency accounts - credit cards - deposits - other banking services. More information - tool-free line 00420-800 100001.
Banking services: - current accounts and foreign currency accounts - credit cards - deposits - other banking services. More information - tool-free line 00420-800 100001.