
Equipment for work of all kinds. Hand tools such as hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, saws, wrenches, hexagons or power tools which include cordeless screwdrivers, jigsaws, planers, drills displace jobs in any workshop.

JISTR s.r.o.

The company JISTR s.r.o. deals with the supply of companies and the import of consumables such as personal protective equipment, abrasives, construction chemicals, fasteners, tools and hygiene items. The sale of an assortment specialized exclusively for manufacturing and trading companies is delivered to measure according to the requirements of specific customers. Sale: - personal…


Wholesale trade services of grinding tools and machines. Online store with abrasives We have 3,000 items in the hardware store, 500 items in the drugstore, 300 items in metallurgical material, and 1,500 in stock for abrasives. General partner of companies: - CARBORUNDUM ELECTRITE - ALICO - ABRASIV - KART - LUKAS - NORTON - SKDS - TYROLIT - 3M - DIADEX Sales - abrasives,…

Exvalos spol.s r.o. - Velkoobchod ložiska Lanškroun

Wholesale, retail trade, sale of bearings and accessories Mail-order service within 24 hours (urgent cases by agreement): E-SHOP - Rolling-contact bearings - Ball bearings - Double row self-aligning ball bearings - Cylindrical roller bearings - Tapered roller bearings - Needle roller bearings - Double row spherical roller bearings - Axial bearings from manufacturers ZKL, ZVL, SKF, INA…

Václav Turek - Podlahářství

Floor work - flooring - floor supplies Installation, consultancy, sale, E-shop, rental: - floating floors - vinyl flooring - PVC floors (linoeum) - natural LINOLEUM - MARMOLEUM - carpets - Bathroom mats, mats - decorative foil - interior accessories and equipment: - BIONAIRE humidifiers - cork notice boards - cork board - tiles - walls, ceilings and stairs - wooden gratings: …

A.B.V. spol. s r.o.

Building company. Construction, buildings, work: - implementation of engineering networks of outdoor sewers, water pipes, roads, landfills, WWTPs - complex construction activities, civil, industrial and residential construction, including renovations - earthworks including special foundations - rental of machines and tools - cutting asphalt and concrete roads - locksmith and assembly…

NOVITA Dobrouč, s.r.o.

Production and sale: - construction and furniture fittings, supplies for carpenters, handymen and builders - handles, handles, hinges, fasteners, abrasives - seals, adhesives, sealants, waxes - grids, locks, cylinder liners - complete Maco, Roto fittings - Hettich furniture fittings - tools, implements - internal and external windowsills - hardware store - foil, tapes Internet sales: …

Kamil Horný

Engineering production, sale: -bench drilling machines up to size Morse 3. with power feed (6 degrees of feed rate) -screw cutting machines (forced feed) -combined machine: drilling machine - screw cutting machine -multiple drilling machine -drilling machine for holes hot forming - FLOWDRILL technology -pneumatic feed unit - for bench drill feed -portable machine vice 100 …

Michal Bárta

Obchodní zastoupení značek: -Klingspor, Flexovit, 3M, Napoleon - brusivo -Bosch, Dynabrade - nářadí -Wikus - pilové pásy -Bomar - pásové pily Sortiment prodeje: Brusivo : - role - brusné pásy - archy - výseky suchý zip - vulkánfíbrové kotouče - kotouče - lamelové - řezné - brusné - diamantové - elastické brusné…


Construction company : - new residential, civil and industrial buildings, houses - all repairs and reconstructions superstructures and built - ins, including attic ones - repairs of historic buildings - thermal insulation of buildings, BAUMIT system design activity : building projects, including budgets fire risk assessment craft production: - glazier - carpentry -…


Velkoobchod, maloobchod, prodej: - stavebniny kompletní sortiment - dveře vnitřní, vnější, protipožární - střešní okna, zastoupení VELUX - betonové výrobky: překlady, desky - dlažby a opěrné systémy BEST - zdící materiály - WIENEBERGER pálené cihly -YTONG přesné tvárnice - izolační materiály - komínové systémy SCHIEDEL - stavební nářadí Zemní práce. Poradenství v oblasti…

Vladimír Ferkl

Prodej. - Betonářské výrobky - Ecoraster - zpevnění ploch - Fasádní pásky IMIT - Izolace - Koupelnové obklady a dlažby, keramická dlažba - Komínový systém Schiedel - Plastové výrobky Marley - Pojiva, Maltové směsi - Stavební chemie - Stavební nářadí - Střeší okna Velux - Střešní krytiny - Zdící materiály - Sádrokartony + doplňky

Elektro-motory s.r.o.

Repairs and sales of ELECTRIC MOTORS, GENERATORS, el. tools NAREX, PROTOOL incl. spare parts. We also sell gearboxes, frequency converters, complete motors for vacuum cleaners, pulleys, clutches, bearings, capacitors, commutators, carbons, fans, pumps, barbecue set. Second-hand electric motors. Precise winding and production of coils. e-ability: The lowest prices in the…