House, flat and garden

Get a quality tool and for Your house, apartment or garden, such as axes, garden shears, spades, shovels, pitchforks, brooms, rakes, or saws on the branches. In each workshop you'll appreciate the sets of hand tools, including screwdrivers, hammers, pliers, wrenches and fasteners.

Milan Cihlář

Wooden terraces Small, dry, stone gardens in exterior and interior - garden paths - flip flops - stone stairs - walls - bridges - nooks and crannies and simple stone elements - indoor mini-gardens in bowls - self-growth in combination with stones and plants - relief patterns from chipped stone and stone sculptures inside the pavement - fireplace with…

Milan Srna

Výroba, prodej a montáž - mříže Výroba, prodej a montáž - brány Prodej a montáž - krby (odkouření) Výroba - krby (odkouření) Prodej a montáž - lustry - svícny - kovaný nábytek Výroba - lustry - svícny - kovaný nábytek Výroba, prodej a montáž - ploty - zábradlí Ostření - zednické nářadí Zámečnictvíveškeré kovářské práce na…

Bytový textil pro interiéry LaBeta

Comprehensive services in the field of home textiles, window shading, window decorations and shading technology: - window decoration from A to Z - from the design of the solution directly at the customer, through the implementation to the arrangement of your interior - decorating work - sewing curtains and drapes with regard to fashion trends - atypical windows The Prague 8 store and…

Milena Drtinová - M+M KABELY

Sales, wholesale: - cables of all kinds - electronic material - kiosk substations, ready-made PV substations - PV switchboards ready - substation skeletons - transformers-dry, oil, refurbished - HV and LV switchboards - cable connectors, Raychem terminals - AlFe ropes - solar cables - electrical installation material Sales, wholesale - a complete set of materials for…

M.A.P. s.r.o.

Production - atypical spare parts for transport vehicles including receipt Production - manipulators not only for the automotive industry Sharpening - cutting tools (mills, knives, drills) Production - tools, fixtures, cuts, bending tools including refurbishing - punches and dies for nibbling machines Cooperative machining Production - various machine units …

Michal Roušar

- - truhlářstvívýroba - kuchyně - obývací pokoje - ložnice - nábytek i koupelnový - schody - dveře - okna Truhlářská výroba - kuchyně Truhlářská výroba - obývací pokoje - ložnice - dětský a vestavný nábytek, ... Truhlářská výroba - dveře - okna Truhlářská výroba - schody