House, flat and garden

Get a quality tool and for Your house, apartment or garden, such as axes, garden shears, spades, shovels, pitchforks, brooms, rakes, or saws on the branches. In each workshop you'll appreciate the sets of hand tools, including screwdrivers, hammers, pliers, wrenches and fasteners.

Ladislav Martynek

P R O D E J MESH AND ACCESSORIES - plastic coated - galvanized - welded - multipurpose - enclosures - forestry - professional - posts and struts - fence posts - tensioning and binding wires - tension flats - turnbuckles, clamps - wire panels GATES and GATES - garden - input - winged - self-supporting - driving - drives and accessories FENCE FILLING - metal -…

Josef Baran

Sales and assembly - garage door Light wooden buildings, small buildings, stables, cabins - aluminum front window blinds Sale - facade cladding material VINYL SIDING - plastic windows and doors - facade cladding material VINYL SIDING Plumbing work


Company AL PROXIMA s.r.o. deals with the design and implementation of turnkey gardens. We will complete the graphic design of the garden for you so that its subsequent maintenance is as low as possible. We also do all gardening, landscaping and tree felling. On request, we also design and implement irrigation systems and garden ponds. Design and realization of gardens:  - turnkey garden  -…

Aleš Blahut

Výroba a montáž - kované mříže Výroba a montáž - vjezdové kované a nekované brány sekční, rolovací a průmyslové - garážové systémy - automatické pohony na dálkové ovládání Montáž - rolety Výroba - rolety Výroba a montáž - kované ploty a zábradlí Výroba a montáž - markýzy

Petr Muroň

Truhlářské práce Výroba - kuchyňský nábytek Výroba - kancelářský nábytek Výroba - nábytek (postele, stoly, židle, ...) Výroba - dveře Výroba - schodiště