House, flat and garden

Get a quality tool and for Your house, apartment or garden, such as axes, garden shears, spades, shovels, pitchforks, brooms, rakes, or saws on the branches. In each workshop you'll appreciate the sets of hand tools, including screwdrivers, hammers, pliers, wrenches and fasteners.


I.G.B. Holding a.s. is divided into the following sales groups: - Heat pumps - sale and installation of heat pumps for family and apartment buildings, administrative sector, industry - Solar systems - sale and installation of small and large-scale thermal and photovoltaic solar systems - TZB (technical equipment of buildings) - supply and installation of heating systems, including heat…

DAKO spol. s r. o.

Production, sale, assembly: - windows - wooden, euro windows, wood-aluminum - wooden entrance door - wooden entrance door - wooden euro windows - wood-aluminum windows and doors - balcony windows and doors - French windows - DAKO window and door wall systems - HS portals - HEBE SCHIEBE - horizontally sliding windows - sideways sliding windows and doors - folding windows…

Miroslav Vošmík

Opravy, revize, zkoušky-dodavatelský způsob: - zdvihadla - pojízdná zdvihadla-nosnost nad 5000kg - jeřáby-nosnost nad 5000kg - regálové zakladače-svisle pohyblivá stanoviště obsluhy. Opravy, servis: - jeřábové dráhy - strojírenské a hutní agregáty. Montáž, výměna: - potrubní rozvody - investiční zařízení. Provádění: - cyklické-dekádní opravy - revizní zkoušky.

Bébel s.r.o.

Wholesale, retail, sales, e-shop: -flowers-artificial, cut, potted. Indoor fountains, soil, peat, small porcelain, kerazhit. Establishments: - Havířov-Kaufland, Před Tratí 891, Phone: 596 440 998 -Krnov-Hypernova, Revolutionary, phone: 554 612 515 -Orlová-Hypernova, Masarykova 1333, phone: 596 511 209 -Třinec-Hypernova, Lidická 1269, Phone: 558 340 928 -Vsetín-Hypernova,…

Střechy Ewerest, s.r.o.

Wholesale, retail, sales: - roof coverings - bags, metal coverings SATJAM - BETTERNIT, ONDULINE, VLTAVA - asphalt shingle-USA, Canada - for flat roofs - waterproofing strips - roof windows: - VELUX, PRIMA FENESTRA (discounts up to 35%) - plumbing material, gutter systems - plasterboard program KNAUF - thermal insulation ISOVER, ROCKWOOL.