Ret - Invest, s.r.o.
Purchase - attic spaces, apartment and panel houses for the purpose of construction of duplex flats in the form of an attic or roof extension
Purchase - attic spaces, apartment and panel houses for the purpose of construction of duplex flats in the form of an attic or roof extension
Expert opinions in the field of real estate, company values Sales areas for retail chains operating in the Czech Republic
Real estate activities - residential premises - non-residential premises Advice - sale and rental of real estate
Realitní činnost Realitní činnost
Pronájem - nebytové prostory Vodovodní a kanalizační přípojky Vývoz - septiky Rozbory pitných a odpadních vod Dodávka - pitná vodaodvod a čištění - voda Instalace - rozvody vody Školící středisko
The company RFK Invest, a.s. focuses on the provision of comprehensive management services, advertising and organizational services in connection with top sports projects and personalities and on mediation services as well as real estate and logistics consultancy. We offer building plots with dimensions ranging from 800 to 1,100 m2 and located on the edge of the village with a beautiful view of…
Dodávka - zahradní altány - pergoly Dodávka - komíny CIKO Dodávka - infra topení WELLINA Prodej - novostavby řadových rodinných domků - reality Dodávky - ploty
The company RiPSS s.r.o. was founded in 1993 and since then has been active in the field of providing services mainly related to real estate. One of the specialized activities that our company deals with is the market valuation of property, real estate and businesses based on the issued concession document.
Real estate agency
Pronájem - nebytové prostory Ubytovna - kapacita 68 lůžek 1 apartmán a 12 pokojů s vlastním sociáklním zařízením a 10 pokojů se společným sociálním zařízením - společná kuchyň - hlídané parkoviště
Prodej a koupě - byty - rodinné a činžovní domy - rezidence - vily - pozemkypronájem - bytové prostory Pronájem - nebytové prostory
Realitní činnost Realitní činnost
Pronájem - kanceláře
Realitní kancelář Realitní kancelář
Real estate company, office: - sale, rental of real estate, apartments. Construction activity: - new construction - reconstruction - thermal insulation systems - rough construction - design, engineering.
Realitní agentura
Realitní kancelář Realitní kancelář