Real estates

Real estate companies in the forefront with real estate brokers help you sell your house, condo, vacation property, commercial property or land. Sell so you can your house, cottage, cabin, your building plot, forest, meadow, office space, production halls or warehouses.

ZEKO - Kölbl Jiří

GLANC REAL SERVIS s.r.o., real estate agency. Purchase, sale, rental: -houses, apartments, offices -land, land, real estate -family houses, recreational and commercial buildings - land for business. Services: -legal - securing financing -mortgage. Service of sanitary technology. Sale of spare parts. -repairs of massage and whirlpool baths -production of hot tubs -repairs of saunas…

MATE, a.s.

Sale, repairing, service: -high-lift trucks including second hand store -tractors ZETOR and ZTS -loaders, loading machines UNC -low-lift pallet trucks -high-lift pedestrian controlled trucks -high-lift trucks with accumulator lifting and travel -additional equipment MATE and A.T.I.B. for high-lift trucks of domestic and foreign production. Hire: -high-lift trucks,…


Sale, rent: - commercial real estate - non-residential premises - production premises -workshops, changing rooms, washrooms - metalwork workshop with facilities, carpentry workshop, paint shop -offices -unheated, heated, tempered warehouses -halls -parking areas - free, paved areas of up to 2000 m2. Fenced, guarded area with an excellent location for traffic services and…

MORAVOSTAV Brno, a.s. stavební společnost

The company holds the 9001: 2001 quality certificate and the ISO 14001: 2005 environmental audit. Project activity in investment construction, general contractor, construction activity, turnkey deliveries, reconstruction, adaptation, demolition, repairs, maintenance, implementation of new constructions: -residential, civil, industrial, engineering, churches, sacral buildings, banks,…

Dagmar Jelínková

Přerušení provozování živnosti oznámené podnikatelem: od 07.03.2014 do 31.12.2016 Realitní kancelář Jelínková zajišťuje výměny obecních a nájemních bytů. Zprostředkování prodeje nemovitostí. Zajištění znaleckých posudků, vyhotovení geometrických plánů.

PROJEKTSERVIS, spol. s r.o.

COPY CENTER: COPYING digital, large area and high volume: - BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR up to A0 format and longer on OCÉ and CANON machines including jigsaws, zoom in and out 25 - 400% -DOUBLE-SIDED COPIES COLOR and B&W up to F A3, reverse printing -PLOTTING AND SCANNING black and white and color on CD, flash or to be sent by e-mail. LARGE AREA AND VOLUME digital copying: …

Jiří Faltus

Civil engineering company: - ensuring construction from design to approval: - engineering activity -construction activity -electrical engineer work - euro windows -plastic windows -swimming pools including earthwork and construction work - sumps and septic tanks, including earthworks and construction works -real estate management.

Alfa-COM, s.r.o.

Firma zajišťuje komplexní správu budov, provozování kotelen a výměníkových stanic. Správa a údržba nemovitostí tel. 543215838: -vedení účetnictví -zajišťování oprav a havárií -zajišťování správy obecních, družstevních, spoluvlastnických a soukromých bytů -úklidové práce, úklidová služba (služby). Zajištění provozu a údržby technických zařízení: -rozvody vody, tepla, plynu,…

Agentura ŠÁRKA

Služby: -bezpečnostní agentura, komplexní ochranné bezpečnostní služby -realitní kancelář - zprostředkování prodeje nebo pronájmu všech druhů nemovitostí, vyhledání a zprostředkování koupě nebo pronájmu nemovitostí, ocenění nemovitostí znaleckými posudky ve spolupráci se zkušeným právníkem, potřebný právní servis až po vklad do katastru nemovitostí -úklidové služby -běžný i velký úklid -…


Individual building projects, architect. Building company: -realization, construction, turnkey low-energy houses using our own construction STB Block - thermal insulation panels -comprehensive implementation of your project, including financing -land structures, family houses and houses - industrial halls, warehouses, production and assembly areas -garages and floors -demolition including…


Realitní kancelář, realitní činnost, reality, RK. Obchod, prodej, poradenství, nabídky, poptávky na Brno až 50 km od Brna: -byty, domy, rodinné domky (RD), pozemky, zahrady, komerční objekty, nájemní domky, rekreační objekty, ubytovací kapacity (penziony, hotely, ubytovny, investiční celky, areály). Služby: -příprava smluv právníkem -výpis z katastru nemovitostí -vklad…

ALMA property s.r.o.

NON STOP 607 611 511 Services: - administration, maintenance and rental of real estate - search for investments in real estate, negotiations with the authorities -grass cutting -cleaning services -facility services We will offer you a better service and price than your current administrator. Apartment building repairs, managed real estate. Optimization of heating and hot water…


Construction company, activity: - delivery, repairs (including emergency), cleaning of domestic sewers, inspection of sewers with a camera system - installation of water, heating, emergency nonstop 774 328 798 -repairs, revisions of chimneys - earthmoving, demolition and cleaning work, including disposal of waste and construction debris - complete construction work -turnkey wooden…

Ing.Josef Kulhánek

Firma Ing.Josef Kulhánek se zabývá odhady nemovitostí. Tuto firmu nalezneme v Mělníku. Odhady nemovitostí, movitého majetku, finanční analýza, insolvenční řízení, bankovního majetku. Odhad nemovitosti je vyžadován mnohem častěji, než dříve. Je nutný například: - při koupi, prodeji - u dědictví, darování - soudních sporů, rozvodu, exekuce nebo v případě vložení nemovitosti do…


Real estate and estate management. We provide sale and renting: -flats, non-residential rooms -houses, villas -cottages -land -commercial facilities -offices, shops -developer's projects. Management and maintenance of flats, commercial facilities, the establishment of an owners' association. Other services: -provision of mortgage loan -consultancy -expert opinions -design and…


Real estate and property management We provide sales and rental: - apartments, non-residential premises - family houses, villas - cottages - grounds - commercial objects - offices, shops - development projects Management and maintenance of apartment buildings, commercial buildings, establishment of community of unit owners Other services: - securing a mortgage loan - consultancy…

A+G STADION - Stavební bytové družstvo

Housing construction cooperative. Company activity: Construction, alteration and removal. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE: - real estate management - housekeeping activities - cleaning of residential and non-residential premises - cleaning of buildings - window cleaning REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES: - purchase, sale and rental of real estate - purchase, sale and rental of…