Karel Kubíček
Hodinový manžel. Nabízím služby hodinového manžela. Pokrývám města Chrudim, Pardubice, Heřmanův Městec, Slatiňany, Přelouč a jejich široké okolí.
Hodinový manžel. Nabízím služby hodinového manžela. Pokrývám města Chrudim, Pardubice, Heřmanův Městec, Slatiňany, Přelouč a jejich široké okolí.
Sales, e-shop: -car seats -baby beds -dining chairs -strollers -pens-cribs - garden accessories -home accessories -massage chairs and tables
Horticulture. Realization of gardens. Opening hours: MON - THU 7, 30 - 16, 00h FRI - 7, 30 - 17, 00h SO - by telephone agreement
Gardening and garden center Plotiste. Design and implementation of gardens. Maintenance of gardens and greenery.
Garden architecture - suggestions - implementation - fruit growing - arranging - the sale of sheep - public greenery, maintenance - Japanese garden - English garden - Mediterranean garden - French garden
-výškové práce -zahrady, návrhy, realizace, údržba, poradenství -kácení stromů i ve ztížených podmínkách -přesazování a výsadba i vzrostlých stromů -štěpkování větví -dodávka mulče
Palivové dřevo. Frézování pařezů. Těžební činnost. Rizikové kácení. Údržba zeleně. Komunální práce.
Služby: Hydroosev - rovnoměrný nástřik homogenní směsi, kterou tvoří voda, osivo, mulčovací materiál a hnojivo na plochy určené pro výsev travnatých porostů.
Andrea Novotná, ZAHRADNICE.NET We design, implement and maintain gardens and greenery.
Construction company in the field of interlocking paving, construction of fences and walls, utility networks. - high-quality interlocking paving - brick, wire, stone fences - irrigation systems - swimming pools - construction activities - firewood - wood products
Activities of Tomášová-Semily s.r.o.: - height work - cleaning work - technical and craft services - demolition work - service of biogas stations - rental with and without service - working platforms - removal of asbestos - green maintenance of small and large areas - blasting, sandblasting - energy service - scaffolding work - use of a suction dredger Office: Prosečská…
Production, sale, installation of swimming pools. - swimming pools - hot tubs - pool roofing - reconstruction
Production and sale of custom-made furniture, kitchens, built-in wardrobes and other furniture. Also offer wooden toys, garden furniture and garden decorations
Import and sale of small garden and forestry equipment. We offer brands: - HACKET - ECHO - BLUE BIRD - GRIZZLES. Products: - lawn mowers - electric and chainsaws - trimmers - brush cutters - wood splitters - branch breakers - hedge trimmers - blowers - vacuum cleaners - garden furniture - garden grills - snow blowers - aerators - cultivators - garden water plants and pumps …
We maintain greenery. We eliminate invasive plants. We mow grassy areas. We are establishing new lawns. We look after and maintain lawns. We plant mature trees and shrubs. Sale and cultivation of ornamental trees and shrubs. Ornamental nurseries.
E-shop pools - plastic pools - assembled pools - inflatable pools - spare film for swimming pools - pool roofing - sand filtration - pumps - pool chemistry - manual and automatic vacuum cleaners - steps, handrails, lighting
We deal with the sale and service of garden and forestry equipment, mainly Stihl, Viking, Hecht, Seco Group. In our offer we have Czech garden tractors, mowers, saws, brush cutters, blowers, vacuum cleaners, toys for children and pets and much more. The advantage of buying goods directly from our store is mainly professional demonstration, if it is a lawnmower, saw, as well as pouring the…
cleaning of households, offices, company grounds, garden maintenance and gardening work
Nabízíme zahradní a venkovní práce, komplexní údržbu nemovitostí, instalatérské, elektrikářské, topenářské a další služby dle individuální domluvy.
Growing and selling plants for home and garden. Sale of a wide range of accessories.
We specialize in height work and arboriculture. We mainly focus on risky and non-risky felling, snow removal, scaffolding work and more.
Hourly husband - Jaroměř and surroundings Repairing fences, mowing lawns, clearing overgrown vegetation. Assembly of furniture, production of penetrations for cables, cutouts for sinks. Various other fixes.
Do you need flower pots, fertilizers, breeding supplies or, for example, work clothes? You can find all this with us. Visit us! We sell all gardening supplies (boxes, flower pots, sprayers, tools, FERTILIZERS, seeds, seeds), pet supplies (dog and cat food), pet food (rabbits, chickens, ducks, turkeys...). We also offer work clothes - overalls, wellies, work gloves, from the hardware store - saws,…
Semtech IPSA Agency s.r.o. je dynamická společnost, která se specializuje na široké spektrum bezpečnostních služeb. S více než 25 lety zkušeností v oblasti bezpečnosti, střelectví a výuky ve střelbě, firma poskytuje komplexní řešení pro ochranu majetku a osob. Mezi její hlavní činnosti patří: - Instalace kamerových a EZS systémů, které zahrnují nejmodernější technologie pro monitorování a…