
The garden is an integral part of the family house. Equip her garden furniture including tables, chairs, armchairs, children's furniture, swings and the like. Don't forget its maintenance using lawn mowers, brush cutter, hand-driven machines and other gadgets.

Petr Smíšek

Our company, Petr Smíšek from Prague, has extensive experience with various works of a general nature. In particular, I deal with such activities as furniture assembly and disassembly, hourly husband, household repairs, repairs in apartments of larger and smaller scales. Looking for a trustworthy husband of the hour? Do you want to leave work of a mundane and professional nature in your house,…

Adam epox s.r.o.

Adam Epox s.r.o. – Váš partner pro kvalitní a spolehlivé stavební služby. Hledáte stavební firmu, která zaručuje precizní práci, dodržení termínů a spokojenost zákazníka na prvním místě? Adam Epox s.r.o. je tím správným řešením pro Vás! Sídlíme na adrese Opavská 6230/29a, Ostrava a nabízíme široké spektrum služeb v oblasti stavebnictví a zemních prací. Specializujeme se na výstavbu…

Jarmanka - Ing. Petr Slovák

Pokud hledáte profesionálního partnera pro vaši zahradu, pak je firma Jarmanka - Ing. Petr Slovák tou pravou volbou. Tato firma se zabývá projektováním zahrad, odbornou konzultací v rámci zahrad, realizací a údržbou zahrad a floristickou činností. Ing. Petr Slovák je zahradní architekt a florista, který vám pomůže vytvořit zahradu podle vašich představ a potřeb. Ať už chcete odpočinkovou,…

TurboDevils s.r.o.

Hledáte spolehlivou a profesionální firmu, která se zabývá vnitrostátní nákladní autodopravou, odtahovou službou, půjčováním dodávek, ekologickou likvidací automobilů a autovraků a údržbou komunikací? Pak je pro vás správnou volbou TurboDevils s.r.o. se sídlem v Proboštově. TurboDevils s.r.o. je firma s dlouholetou tradicí a zkušenostmi v oblasti dopravy a aut. Nabízí širokou škálu služeb pro…

Jan Lafek - Umělecké truhlářství Pardubice

Hledáte firmu, která vám vyrobí kvalitní a originální nábytek na míru? Chcete si zařídit kuchyň, obývací pokoj, ložnici nebo zahradu podle vašich představ? Pak je pro vás správnou volbou truhlárna Jan Lafek, Přelouč. Truhlárna Jan Lafek se zabývá zakázkovou výrobou kuchyní, vestavěných skříní, stolů, židlí, zahradního nábytku a dalších truhlářských výrobků. Využívá moderní technologie a…

MKPLASTIC-výroba z plastů, s.r.o.

The company MKPLASTIC-výroba z plastov s.r.o., which you will find in Bludov u Šumperka, focuses on the production and sale of sumps and septic tanks, rainwater tanks, bathing barrels, above-ground plastic tanks. Furthermore, the complete construction of turnkey pools, from excavation to roofing. We provide a complete supply of turnkey pools. From excavation and construction work, to the…

Rizikové kácení RK

Přeměňte svou zahradu v oázu klidu profesionálními službami společnosti Rizikové kácení RK. Specializujeme se na rizikové kácení stromů a ořez větví, včetně těch nejnáročnějších případů. Věnujeme se likvidaci náletových dřevin a odstraňování škod po přírodních katastrofách. S naší pomocí bude vaše zahrada bezpečná a esteticky příjemná. Naše štěpkování a frézování pařezů je efektivní a šetrné k…

Avardy s.r.o.

Rozkvetlý ráj v srdci Prahy! Přijďte objevit kouzlo květin do květinářství Deluxe Flowers. Nacházíme se na prestižní adrese Rybná 714/23, kde na vás čeká nejen omamná vůně čerstvých květin, ale i osobní přístup a profesionální služby. Naše květiny jsou pečlivě vybírány a aranžovány tak, aby odrážely krásu a eleganci každého jedinečného okamžiku. Ať už hledáte dokonalý dárek, dekoraci na svatbu…

Jiří Michna

Our company offers its customers the provision of logging, risky felling of trees, trimming and treatment of trees and approaching wood. We also buy wood and beams and sell firewood and tractor transport. Our other activities are cultivation work and arborist services. Our services: - logging - felling of trees and their pruning and care - tractor transport - purchase of wood -…

VIP Bazény s.r.o.

Pools, roofing, pool technology and accessories. As the name of our company suggests, we focus on the production and supply of laminate pools, roofing and all accessories. In our assortment you will find swimming pools round, oval, rectangular but also in other shapes. Our products are manufactured as monoliths, ie in one piece, on perfectly polished molds, with a surface like glass. The…

Stavební firma Stodola - Herálec - Jiří Stodola

The construction company Stodola performs all construction work. Among other things, we provide turnkey house construction, reconstruction and rebuilding, insulation and insulation work, tiling work, carpentry, roofing and plumbing work, installation of doors and windows. We have several different construction machines that we use at work. According to the agreement, we can arrange the removal of…

Jan Stuchlík - Palivové dřevo

The company Jan Stuchlík - Forestry activities focuses mainly on the maintenance of greenery and sale of firewood. We offer our services to citizens, municipalities, small and large forest owners. We provide consulting services in forestry, forestry and logging. We provide trimming and felling of trees in gardens, including purchase of wood. Forestry services:  - Educational interventions,…

Pila Havel

Custom-made sawmill production Jiří Havel is engaged in the production of building timber and firewood. We also perform small carpentry production, marginally we are engaged in forestry work. The sawmill is located in Hrádek nad Nisou. Sawmill production, saw:  - building timber  - boards, beams, planks  - firewood. Small carpentry:  - pergolas  - garden furniture  - garden benches  …

Kovodružstvo, výrobní družstvo Strážov

Kovodružstvo, výrobní družstvo Strážov is a company with a long tradition in engineering production. Our production program is mainly focused on the production of air conditioning, radial fans, grain driers, industrial filters or garden tools. We also perform custom production according to customer documentation. We are based in Strazov, Klatovy district. Engineering: - filters, filtration…

HB beton, s.r.o.

Production, sale: -stable concrete grillages/grates -lintels -floor slabs -false work/centering, street inlets -water reservoirs, swimming pools -steel reinforcement, nets -interlocking paver -products made of ground terrazzo, tombs, stairs -atypical prefabricated elements/precast units -fittings -ready-mixed concrete -concrete cofferdams.

ASB GRÜNLAND spol. s r. o. - zahradnické produkty

The company ASB GRÜNLAND spol. s ro deals with production and distribution of horticultural products. We supply substrates, fertilizers, mulch, soil and other products for horticulture. We offer quality goods with growth enhancing ingredients. ORGANIC line products contain no chemical or synthetic additives and are also suitable for organic farming. Production, sale:  - substrates  -…


The company Zahradní architektura Tábor s.r.o. designs and implements gardens and parks. Reconstruction of historical, castle and city parks. We take care of public greenery in various cities. The reconstructions also include the supply and implementation of building elements such as park stairs, fountains, retaining walls, paths and gazebos, interlocking and stone paving, threshing surfaces and…

Dušan Mihok - KOHIM STAV

Construction company: - turnkey buildings - insulation and reconstruction of facades - reconstruction of balconies -roofing and plumbing work -installation of skylights and skylights - insulation of flat roofs -excavation work - garden maintenance - locksmith and carpentry work - coating of roofs and plumbing elements.

Technické služby města Mělníka, příspěvková organizace

The Technical Services of the City of Mělník is a contributory organization that was established in accordance with the Act on Municipalities, as amended. The main activity of the contributory organization is to ensure the cleanliness of the city of Mělník all year round. It offers its services in free capacity for all subjects. We provide repairs and maintenance of public lighting, maintenance…

Služby Města Milevska, spol. s r.o.

The company Služby mesta Milevska, spol. s r.o. provides activities to the city of Milevsko in the areas of public lighting management, public greenery, cleaning and cleaning of the city, collection and storage of municipal waste and the implementation of minor construction work. We run a public toilet, paid parking, landfill, composting plant. Our company operates information systems in the city…

EKOCIS, spol. s r.o. - čističky odpadních vod

The company EKOCIS, spol. s r.o. has been operating as a Czech manufacturer and supplier of domestic wastewater treatment plants for more than 20 years. We provide professional advice, installation and commissioning, as well as warranty and post-warranty service. We offer comprehensive services, provide project documentation and help with permits at the authorities. In addition to wastewater…

Technické služby města Pelhřimova, příspěvková organizace

The company Technické služby města Pelhřimova, a contributory organization, takes care of waste management, public greenery, cleanliness and winter maintenance of roads, construction work, public lighting, cemetery management, sports grounds, parking, public toilets, markets, advertising and billboard areas of Pelhřimov. Waste management: - waste collection - rental of containers -…

Stav styl CZ s.r.o. - Obklady, dlažby, sanita Tábor

The company Stav styl CZ s.r.o. specializes in the sale of tiles, including construction chemicals. We also provide complete construction of houses and garden pools. In our assortment you will find tiling and paving, sanitary ceramics, construction chemicals. When selling tiles, we approach each customer individually. We are engaged in tiling work, construction of turnkey family houses,…