Pavla Béňová
Arrangement work and consultancy: Flower shop: - cut and potted, dried and artificial flowers - seed - gardening supplies.
Arrangement work and consultancy: Flower shop: - cut and potted, dried and artificial flowers - seed - gardening supplies.
Projekce a realizace - zahrady
Ornamental bodies of water. Welding of plastics. Production: - filter technology. Designs and realizations: - decorative and bathing water areas. Sale: - aquatic plants and a complete assortment of technologies for garden ponds - ornamental fish.
Flower shop Garden maintenance and planting
Projection and implementation of gardens: - landscaping - maintenance of lawns - establishment and maintenance of greenery. Delivery: - irrigation systems.
Production - grids Production - metal door Production - forged garden furniture Production - metal stairs and railings Custom metal fabrication - interior and exterior production - made of stainless steel
Brány Stavební přípravy pro bazény Montáž - ploty - oplocení Montáž - sádrokartony Zemní práce Pokládka - dlažby - zámkové dlažby Zednické práce - stavební příprava pro zapuštěné bazény
Mr. Petr Brandl has been operating a professional florist since 1991 with a wide range of cut and potted flowers, fertilizers, substrates, giftware as well as pet supplies, garden tools and pool chemicals. In our florist we will consider wedding and funeral ties, flowers for birthday or holiday or just for pleasure. Visit us at Masarykovo náměstí 21, Blovice. Florist, sale, services: - flower…
Výstavba - bazény Výstavba, rekonstrukce - průmyslové stavby Stavební činnost (novostavby, rekonstrukce) - rodinné domy na klíč - výstavba občanských budov
Container transport: - hauling by truck with hydraulic arm - wastes - rubble - soil haulage - building materials - sands - gravel - concrete. Rent. - containers. Hydraulic hand work. Carpentry Custom production - furniture. Earth and excavation work with a mini excavator. Construction work. Plant care.
Risky felling of trees. Plant care. Maintenance of greenery in municipalities and company buildings.
Výzdoba interiérů Návrhy a realizace - zahradystřešní zahrady Prodej, montáž - závlahové systémy
Complete service for your gardens.
Carpentry work Arrangement of stones Roofing work - complete roof reconstruction Realization - Japanese gardens, shaping trees.
Sale - wood splitters - chain saws, gasoline chain saws, rocker saws Sale - PVC Sale - garden furniture Sale - sweeping motor brushes - snow blowers Sale - construction mixers Sale - power tools NAREX, MAKITA, METABO, PROTOOL Sale - mesh Sale - motor pumps Sale - garden equipment - electric mowers,…
Prodej - zeleninová a květinová semena a sazenice Prodej - zahradnické nářadí
Stěhovací práce v rámci budovy Malířské práce Pravidelné, jednorázové a periodické úklidy - zametání schodišť - mytí prosklených ploch a oken, podlah, dveří, obkladů, svítidel, ... - odklízení sněhu Pokládka - podlahy Údržba - zeleň, travnaté a venkovní plochy
Stavební práce Vydavatelství - ZAHRADA V JAPONSKÉM STYLU, JAPONSKÉ ZAHRADY, 80 NEJKRÁSNĚJŠÍCH JAPONSKÝCH ZAHRAD Zahrady - projekce - realizace - údržba Zahradnictví (s ukázkovou zahradou)
Flower shop Projection, implementation, maintenance of gardens and parks. Horticulture
Arrangement services Flower studio flower delivery
Laundry and curtains Office cleaning, outdoor spaces - washing windows - complete cleaning after reconstruction Carpet cleaning Height work Mowing grass areas
Clearance - cellars - apartments Felling trees Pickup - rubble Winter snow maintenance Plant care - cutting bushes - planting flowers and trees - modification of parks - winter park maintenance
Sales, e-shop: - materials for construction, house, car and garden - tools - construction chemistry - cement - chimneys - insulating material - abrasive - gardening supplies - drugstore
Prodej - měřiče tepla - vodoměry Prodej a servis - relaxační bazény