
The garden is an integral part of the family house. Equip her garden furniture including tables, chairs, armchairs, children's furniture, swings and the like. Don't forget its maintenance using lawn mowers, brush cutter, hand-driven machines and other gadgets.

Drahoslav Houška - DHPLAST

We manufacture, assemble and service pools, including the sale and installation of pool accessories. This activity also includes the production and installation of pool roofing. We also manufacture manholes, septic tanks, domestic waste water treatment plants, rainwater tanks, water measuring shafts, sewage shafts, pumping shafts, shafts for drilled wells, well covers and other plastic products…

Vladimír Švarc

The construction company Vladimír Švarc offers the construction of family houses on a turnkey basis. We will provide you with a complete service, from the project to earthworks and the construction of the foundations, connecting the building to utility networks to the construction itself. We will also ensure the improvement of the surroundings of your house, we also build swimming pools, garages,…

Ladislav Kotrba

Pokládání travních koberců. Naše rodinná firma se specializuje především na pěstování travního koberce z vlastní produkce, který pěstujeme ve volném prostranstvím. Působíme již od roku 1996, tudíž máme dlouholeté zkušenosti. Zaručujeme rychlou a kvalitní pokládku travního koberce a služby s tím spojené (úprava terénu, položení, uválení, zalití atd.)

PE-Reza, s.r.o.

Water management structures: - ground work - forest roads - drainage. Garden improvements and green maintenance. Forestry and agricultural reclamation. Forestry work. Plant care. Felling trees. Designs, establishment of gardens. Landscaping.

Jiří Hájek

Offer of construction and earthworks, excavation of pools, foundations and roads. Implementation of landscaping, demolition, cutting of asphalt and concrete, penetrations up to 250 mm. insulation and drainage rd.

Eva Schmidtová

Flower shop of Eva Schmidtová Burianová in České Budějovice. Our main services include: wedding bouquets and decorations, funeral bouquets and arrangements, flower arrangement, flower delivery, flower decorations. Flowers are my great love, which was awakened in me by my grandfather. After finishing secondary school, I completed higher professional studies at the Master's School of Floristic…

Václav Kubát

We carry out year-round green maintenance, grass cutting, hedge trimming, felling of trees, risky felling, chemical treatment of unwanted greenery, planting of flowers and trees, cleaning work, clearing of buildings and all this in Český Krumlov and its surroundings.

Luboš Valenta

Ve vlastní truhlářské dílně se zabýváme zakázkovou výrobou nábytku a dřevěných doplňků pro vaše interiéry na které si jen dokážete vzpomenout - dveře, stoly židle, schody, dřevěné obložení, zábradlí... Tím samozřejmě nekončíme. Ve venkovních prostorech naleznete naše práce především v podobě zahradního nábytku, lavic, pergol, přístřešků, dřevěných oplocení pískovišť, obložení studní... …

Praktický obchod CZ - Nákupy bez hranic

Nabízíme vše pro domácnost, dílnu, zahradu, pro nejmenší zákazníky máme spoustu hraček, od panenek, přes auta až po minibiky, pro rekreační i profesionální sportovce nabízíme veškeré sportovní vybavení a doplňky. V neposlední řadě v naší nabídce naleznete kvalitní drogerii od ryze českého výrobce. Neváhejte a naštivte i naše internetové stránky na

HobbyGrow s.r.o.

Specialized horticulture, Growshop In our specialized horticulture you will find everything you need from soil, fertilizers, ventilation, filters, artificial lighting to garden shears. We also supply custom-made switchboards and environmental regulators for you. It goes without saying that professionally trained personnel from CANNA Dealer 2011 in cooperation with Growman Plains s.r.o.

Z.M.Trade, s.r.o.

Small garden structures - pergolas, gazebos Lighting Electrical installation elements - wiring for automatic irrigation - electrical installation elements for water structures Land cleaning after construction activities (with the possibility of subsequent garden implementation) Geodetic work - geodetic processing of documents - elevation and topography of…