Firma Pavel Bartoš se zabývá poskytováním služeb v oboru realizace zahrad. Provádíme pravidelné údržby zahrad dle vegetačního období a sezóny, realizace nových zahrad a také realizujeme závlahové systémy a osvětlení. Práce, služby: - zahradnické služby - realizace nových zahrad - pravidelné údržby zahrad - realizace závlahových systémů - osvětlení zahrad.
Activities and services provided: - collection and removal of municipal and commercial waste - debris recycling - crushing rubble - container service - maintenance of public greenery - winter and summer road maintenance - repairs and cleaning of roads - installation and maintenance of traffic signs
Hardware store, sales: -fasteners -electric hand tools -garden tools -door and furniture fittings -hose -faucets -aluminum ladders -pumps -boilers for solid fuels -garden equipment and tools services: -Installment sale -grinding and fabrication of saw chains -grinding of saw blades -delivery of goods around Nový Bor and Česká Lípa -service of garden equipment
Maintenance and repair of roads. Maintenance of greenery and forests. Transport and civil engineering. Trucking.
Our company offers facade or mobile scaffolding, tools, construction mechanization and garden equipment for rent. We have a large selection of garden equipment available - powerful mowers for maintenance of neglected plots, grass rider, mulching mower, brush cutters, stump grinder, soil drill, branch crusher. We are distributors of American garden equipment DR Power Equipment. We carry out…
We offer services in the field of tree care, from risky felling, through tree pruning, to planting.
Construction activity. - construction of family houses - insulation of facades - tiling, paving - installation of plasterboard - supply and installation of swimming pools - complete construction work Office address: Škroupova 631 500 02 Hradec Králové
Květiny Cvetanova je síť květinářství, kterou tvoří tři pobočky v Náchodě. Nabízíme vždy čerstvé květiny přímo z Holandské burzy. Mezi naše hlavní služby patří aranžmá květin pro každou příležitost, rozvoz květin po městě Náchodě a prodej sadby a keramiky.
Gardens and parks Projection and construction of children's playgrounds Irrigation systems Lawn care Caring for trees Processing of assessments and documentation Nature and landscape protection Interiors
Production, assembly and sale of outdoor public lighting. Production and sale of urban furniture. Sale of light sources - light bulbs, fluorescent lamps, energy-saving bulbs, discharge lamps and special light sources for healthcare, aquariums, etc.
We are a cleaning agency operating in the Pardubice region. We deal with the cleaning of households, commercial spaces and common areas of residential buildings, we also deal with the maintenance and care of gardens, as well as the rental of large-volume containers for waste.
We offer cheap and high-quality flower pots. Galvanized, stainless steel, rattan, outdoor and many other flower pots only in our e-shop. We will be happy to advise you on the selection.
Rizikové kácení stromů horolezeckou technikou v těžko přístupných místeh.Výškové práce (zámečnické, svařecí, montérské, naěračské)za pomoci ho. techniky. Manipulace těžkých břemen.
Arboristry - comprehensive tree care. Plantings, cuts, stabilization measures, risky felling. Work with tree climbing technique. Dendrological surveys, assessments, treatment proposals, care plans.
Plumbing and heating works. Welding work. Construction, maintenance and reconstruction of: Boiler rooms, exchanger stations, PCBs and distribution pipelines for heat distribution Locksmith work. Risky work at height. Felling trees, washing windows with the help of climbing equipment. Special cleaning work in industrial halls, etc.
Felling trees using rope technology, directional felling and cutting, work at height, milling stumps or chipping. High qualification and precise results. We guarantee: satisfaction, favorable prices. Eastern Bohemia and surroundings.
Activity: - garden designs and advice - implementation and maintenance of gardens - terrain work - earthworks including utility networks - children's (mole) overalls.
Sale: - assortment for dry construction -hardware -construction chemistry - wood and board material - hand tools and work aids - garden program
Sale of garden equipment and tools. - chainsaws - electric saws - mowers - garden tractors - brush cutters - welding technique - mixers - power stations - hedge trimmers - gardening tools - snow blowers - ladders, steps, platforms - compressors - pool chemicals - infrared saunas - garden swings - toys - greenhouses - air conditioning
-Woodworking -Supplies of wood for heating -Manufacturing, assembly, repair of wooden fences -Production of garden accessories
Hodinový manžel. Nabízím služby hodinového manžela. Pokrývám města Chrudim, Pardubice, Heřmanův Městec, Slatiňany, Přelouč a jejich široké okolí.
Sales, e-shop: -car seats -baby beds -dining chairs -strollers -pens-cribs - garden accessories -home accessories -massage chairs and tables