Construction materials

In an assortment of building materials it is possible to find a huge range of products. From rough building materials, such as cinder blocks, cements, drywall and construction lumber, through chemistry in the form of paints, varnishes, sealants or assembly foams, after tiling or also tools.

HAWLE ARMATURY, spol. s r.o.

If you need water or gas fittings, you've come to the right place! We are a manufacturer and supplier of water and gas fittings and a member of the GSK association. We provide our clients with a 10-year warranty. Currently, Hawle Armatures are among the most important suppliers of fittings in the field of water supply in the Czech Republic. In accordance with the policy of the parent company…

OLRO s.r.o.

OLRO s.r.o. is a company with many years of experience in the production and distribution of plastic windows at the highest technical and qualitative level. Plastic windows: - standard - comfort - brilliant - geneo. Plastic doors: - the door. Winter gardens: - winter gardens.


Prodej, montáž, velkoobchod, maloobchod: - okna, dveře ( plastová, dřevěná, dřevohliníková ) - doplňky ( parapety, rolety, sítě proti hmyzu, žaluzie ) - garážová vrata - střešní okna Poradenství v oboru.

REHAU s.r.o.

We are a premium brand for polymer-based solutions in the construction, automotive and other industries. We offer - energy-saving systems and materials such as plastic windows, balcony and entrance doors, floor and wall heating/cooling, house installations, ground air exchangers, rainwater management. We sell solar collectors for TV preparation and heating, heat pumps, geothermal receiver probes,…

Satca, spol. s r.o.

The company operates in the market as a manufacturer and developer of wireless units and other products for wireless networks and distributes these products under the StraightCore brand.


WHOLESALE SALE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION MATERIAL Wholesale of electrical installation materials. Wholesale and, to a limited extent, retail sales Comprehensive deliveries to commercial and electrical installation companies. Electrical installation material of all major domestic and selected foreign suppliers: - cables, wires, storage material - pipes, rails, footbridges - circuit…

TBG METROSTAV s.r.o. - Betonárna Úvaly

Naše pobočka v Úvalech se specializuje na výrobu transportního betonu, cementových pěn, anhydritových a cementových potěrů, čerstvých malt a směsí pro silniční stavby a další betonové výrobky. V současné době probíhá výstavba nové betonárny v Úvalech, která by měla být vybavena nejmodernějšími technologiemi a připravena poskytovat plnohodnotný servis. Předpokládaný termín otevření je přelom…


Production, sale: - textile colors for cotton, wool - wood stains - water, alcohol, dispersed, rustic (aged) -colors on the skin - acrylic paints for wood, for children furniture, for painting, for textiles, shoes, on the edges of the skin - acrylic pencil for artists - acrylic adhesives

Bakero export-import s.r.o.

We manufacture our own collections in China, India and Nepal. We operate retail and wholesale sales of modern and classic carpets in the Czech Republic, SR, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary. We provide expert advice, cleaning and carpet repairs. We are distributors of Wissenbach, Esprit for the Czech Republic and Slovakia.