Construction materials

In an assortment of building materials it is possible to find a huge range of products. From rough building materials, such as cinder blocks, cements, drywall and construction lumber, through chemistry in the form of paints, varnishes, sealants or assembly foams, after tiling or also tools.

Jiří Dragoun - Stavby DS - výstavba rodinných domů

The company Jiří Dragoun provides comprehensive services in the area of new construction of buildings from foundation slabs to painting. We provide turnkey construction of houses, construction of brick buildings, design work, we offer assistance with construction financing. We provide ground and excavation work for the foundation slab, laying the lines and leveling the terrain. Construction…

Ing. Zdeněk Havlíček

Montáž, opravy, revize a zkoušky plynových zařízení a plnění nádob plyny Montáž, opravy, revize a zkoušky tlakových zařízení a nádob na plyny -SLUŽBY - poradenská a zprostředovatelská činnost v oblasti energetiky a životního prostředí