Construction materials

In an assortment of building materials it is possible to find a huge range of products. From rough building materials, such as cinder blocks, cements, drywall and construction lumber, through chemistry in the form of paints, varnishes, sealants or assembly foams, after tiling or also tools.

Samek Jaroslav - Profi Elsa

Construction company: - construction of family houses. - reconstruction of buildings. -renovation of bathrooms. - warming of the future. -soil constructions. - plasterboard works. - tiling, tiling works - floor work. -painting, painting works. - electrical installation. - ground work. Retail: -floating, PVC floors. -interior door. -door fittings. - adhesive sealants…

Jana Hrušková

Hirudoterapie - reiki Lifting obličeje - lymfodrenáže - parafínové a rašelinové zábaly Masáže - bambusové - bylinnými sáčky - horkými kameny - havajské - relaxační - rekondiční - reflexní (jemné techniky) - baňkování - SPA hlavy a těla - detoxikační masáže medem - havajské masáže LOMI LOMI -…

Radek Ludvík

Výroba - pergoly Výroba - nábytek masiv, lamino Renovace - nábytek z masivu Výroba - nábytek (masiv, lamino) Pohostinství a restaurace - kapacita 160 osob - venkovní zahrádka (letní posezení) - možnost pořádání zábav, plesů, maturitních a firemních večírků, oslav Výroba - podlahy Výroba - dveře

Jan Házl

Service of gas appliances, authorized service of Protherm, Thermona, Dakon boilers and Karma heaters. Condensing boilers, gas boilers, electric boilers. Repairs, installations, etc. Gas, water and heating distributions, complete supplies of materials. Zdice, Beroun. I carry out service and installations within a 30 km radius. Zbiroh, Cerhovice, Drozdov, Komárov, Lochovice, Jince, Hořovice, Žebrák…

Roman Skopec

Sales, installation and repair: - gas appliances brands Dakon.Viadrus, Baxi, Junkers, Geminox, Vaillant and Buderus - measuring and control equipment of heat sources and boiler rooms Revision: - gas appliances of type F and G Construction: - water mains - heating - sewerage - central vacuum systems