Konekta s.r.o.
Činnost: -výroba betonu, betonárka, -pila, -stavební činnost, -zemní práce.
Činnost: -výroba betonu, betonárka, -pila, -stavební činnost, -zemní práce.
Prodej a pokládka: -obklady a dlažba -rekonstrukce objektů -štukové omítky -zateplení fasád -zámková dlažba -kamenné podezdívky-ploty.
Design and manufacture: - electrical switchboards up to 1000V -control switchboards for work machines -control switchboards for production lines for heavy machine tools and forging presses - electrical switchboards for distribution electricity for reconstruction glass factory -control switchboards for sewage treatment plants water - control and control switchboards for systems …
Truhlářství. Výroba: - okna - dveře - vrata - schody - bytové doplňky - nábytek - kuchyně - altány, pergoly.
Online store, e-shop, e-shop, wholesale, sale: - construction materials, building materials: - thermal insulation, insulating material - masonry materials - heating systems - binders and plasters - building foil - metallurgical material - concrete products - construction chemicals, paints - construction tools - fasteners. Rental: - construction…
Services: - water, gas, heating - installation, service, sales, - IVT heat pumps, solar systems, ecological boilers, - we provide comprehensive services including delivery and assembly.
Stavebniny. Velkoobchod: - cihelní výrobky porotherm - střešní krytiny. Doprava vlastními vozy. Půjčovna: - stavební výtahy.
Joinery: - stairs, - doors (interior, entrance), - interiors (solitary furniture, bedrooms).
Výroba: - masivní vchodové dveře - interiérové dveře - dřevěná okna.
Production: - plastic windows (blinds, nets, blinds) - the door - winter gardens - canopies - aluminum* roofs.
Lysá nad Labem bathroom studio Sale: - tiling -pavement - bathroom equipment -ambulance -faucets -floating floors - lights, lighting
Raw materials and technology for: -ceramics, technical ceramics, porcelain, special ceramics - plastics - metallurgy -paper products (baryte, chalk, talc, mica, limestone) - construction chemicals and paints: -titanium whiteness -coatings with barrier fillers -plasters and gravels -self-leveling floors - replacement of asbestos - improvement of thixotropic properties …
Renovace, montáž, instalace: -dveře, zárubně -interiérové schodiště -vestavěné skříně -kryty topných těles. Prodej a pokládka: -plovoucí podlaha.
Services, water-heating-gas: - domestic and outdoor water installation, sewerage -central and floor heating -underfloor heating - supply and installation of gas distribution systems, including design and revision - industrial installations of water, sewage, heating, gas - authorized DAKON boiler service - sale, assembly and service of boilers of the ATMOS brand - connection of waterworks …
Opravy, rekonstrukce: - střechy Práce: - pokrývačské - montáž střešních oken - nátěry klempířských prvků.
Prodej: -spojovací materiál -kotevní technika -ložiska -gufera -technická pryž. Výroba: -klíče FAB* -autoklíče.
Joinery. Custom production: - furniture - windows - The door - staircase - kitchen counters - furniture door - home accessories. Residence: Sokolovská 2170/161, 180 00, Prague - Libeň
Work: -plumbing - covering -cleaning - heating -plumbing. Road transport: -earthworks-UNC -truck with hydraulic arm - transportation of rubble, gravel and sand. Sale: - building materials. Construction work: - insulation of concrete structures - insulation of flat roofs -thermal insulation. Plant care. Application of paint materials.
Design, development, construction, projection, production, assembly and repair of energy equipment and units. Assembly and repair, service: - power plants - boiler rooms - industrial machines - heating - boilers and equipment for noble fuels - boilers packaged - transportable OKP boilers 8-50 t/h of steam - water tube membrane boilers - hot water boilers - hot air exchangers -…
Truhlářství, truhlářské práce. Výroba dveří, vrat, oken, schodišť, zábradlí, kuchyní a zakázkového nábytku. Penzion Červeňáček Adresa: Polnička 95 591 02 Mobil: +420 775 332 759 Mobil: +420 775 120 777 Email: [email protected] WWW: http://www.penzion-cervenacek.cz
Wood is the material of the future. This is our motto, which we follow when manufacturing floors for your home, office and other interior spaces. We are a Bohemia-Parket company that manufactures solid oak and ash floors that provide a healthy indoor environment. Wood floors have the ability to absorb moisture from the air and later release it back when conditions are drier. In this way, our…
KH Stone s.r.o. - Sale of stone, polished pebbles, boulders, stone paving and stone tiles. We lay pond films and geotextiles. Stone for ponds. Sale of fired clay tiles - terracotta. Stone mosaics made of pebbles, carpet patterns in your garden. Limestone, quartzite.
Velkoobchod, maloobchod, prodej: - lakované vodiče. Provozovna: - Kolín, Brankovická 277 - tel. 321 798 400.