Construction materials

In an assortment of building materials it is possible to find a huge range of products. From rough building materials, such as cinder blocks, cements, drywall and construction lumber, through chemistry in the form of paints, varnishes, sealants or assembly foams, after tiling or also tools.


Selm Morava Ltd. Sternberk Wholesale: -water, heating, gas -sanitary ceramics Jika, Ideal Standard -baths - metal, plastic Kaldewei, Teiko, Wagnerplast -shower cabinets, piping insulation -plastic distribution systems -radiators Radik, Litina, ZDB -water taps, thermostatic taps -fittings - black, galvanized, brass -waste systems HT, KG, PVC -copper piping, fittings -pipes -…

BMH spol. s r.o.

Construction: -water mains, drainage -sewage disposal plants. Work: -pipeline maintenance by trenchless method Insak, a technology based on a principle of a setting of an insert from a textile sleeve saturated with resin, so-called inverse process -monitoring of tubular networks by TV camera -diagnostics and expert opinion on condition of piping systems.

Mrňka a.s.

Naše firma klade důraz na profesionalitu a tradici, kterou dodržujem již od roku 1991. Jsme výrobci dřevěných oken i dvěří a také se zabýváme replikami historických oken. Okna a dveře Mrňka si oblíbíte ať už jejich kvalitou nebo originalitou. Výroba: - kastlová (špaletová) okna - okna všech typů, včetně Eurooken: - Eurookno je vyrobeno z třívrstvých lepených hranolů - materiál-smrk,…

TONDACH Česká republika, s.r.o.

The company TONDACH Česká republika s.r.o. is the largest producer of ceramic roofing in the Czech Republic. In addition to the production of a wide range of folded roofing, TONDACH also offers a unique roof reconstruction system, the TONDACH Solar roof solar system, original TONDACH Tuning roof accessories and Keratherm bricks. Production, sale: - fired roof tile TONDACH - ventilation…

TOPOS PREFA Tovačov s.r.o.

The company holds an integrated management system certificate according to ISO 9001:2001, 14001:2005, OHSAI 18001:1999 standards. Design, consulting, production, sales: - construction reinforced concrete parts for industrial, residential, civil, engineering construction - SPIROLL prestressed ceiling panels -reinforced concrete ceiling slabs, lintels - ceiling, roof panels …


telefonní kontakty neexistují, jiné nedoledány Výroba, kovovýroba, prodej: - sanitární technika (schránky na toaletní papír, papírové ručníky, zásobníky na tekuté mýdlo, lékárničky, odpadkové koše kulaté, drátěný program) - plechové kanystry na pohonné hmoty (objem 5-10 litrů) - zářivky, osvětlení (plechový základ pod světla). Práce: - práškové lakování - rotační kování.

MOSAIC spol. s r.o.

Our Czech company called MOSAIC spol. s r.o. based in Bělotín near Hranice and Přerov, it specializes in the production and sale of solid wood floors, castle and mosaic parquets, as well as floor boards. Depending on your choice, we will supply products with an oil or matt lacquer finish. Another of our specialties is the sale of firewood. Production, sale, installation and assembly: …

Ferropolymer, spol.s r.o.

Production, sales, assembly, service: - plastic elements for the construction industry - plastic windows - plastic door - blinds, shading technology - blinds - safety fittings - windowsills - plastic window nets against insects - winter gardens - plastic construction - facades from the DECEUNINCK profile system - aluminum windows, doors from the ALUPROF profile - TRIDO garage door -…